The Revolt- Part One- The Heartbreak

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Note: This chapter, like the previous one is divided into parts to maintain the distinctive element of each part.

Content Warning: This chapter contains mature content. Readers are requested to exercise their discretion before proceeding.


She stayed still in her chamber, allowing a deathly silence to encase the surroundings. For, it was no longer a place for radiance.

Doom needed silence to breed. A silence akin to that of the deaths it could engender.

Suddenly, she thought her mind conjured a voice. A familiar, deep, grave voice. One that poured life into her when it sounded. One that had once regenerated her by shedding her cocoon.

"I love you, Bhanumati!" it spoke, its origin still remained unclear. 

Her senses, however numb, gathered the impulse to detect a presence in the chamber. She felt like she had seen an apparition in the darkness, as her eyes formed the silhouette of a man. 

She stood rooted to where she was. The shock of the betrayal that she had gone through hadn't yet worn off to allow her the strength to react to such an incongruous presence. 

He drew closer. His presence became even more tangible as the distance between them decreased, till, -

-She felt a certain characteristic scent of camphor laving her senses, sending them into a state of renewed numbness. 

"Trust me, love. Trust me." she felt him say.

His lips inched closer to hers, his breath took control of her senses. The tips of his fingers began warming her cheeks even further, as she felt the pores of her skin becoming hypersensitive to the will of his fingers.

'NO!' she screamed as loudly as she could, to oppose her own will to give in to him, as the  silhouette of the man dissipated.

Only to be replaced by another scene.

One that had played itself in a blur, only moments ago.


Her blood stopped in her veins, as this time she saw the Assembly Hall materialising before her.

And, she was faced with the sight of the same man, who had been holding her, professing his love for her. The one who had seemingly ignited a fire to rage within her. 

His eyes bore the same anatomy as the apparition. His voice possessed the same baritone as her illusory figment. 

But those eyes were still not the same. Yes, they were ablaze, like they had been when they'd rested themselves on her, but this time, it wasn't the comforting warmth of the fire that graced their sight.

Instead, they reeked of venegeance. Those dark depths which mesmerised her were glinting of malice, and greed, and a certain repulsive mirth that refused to reveal its nature.

He was laughing, at another man who stood, helplessly, as the man she had just envisioned crudely kicked a throne, one that the defeated one had been occupying. Then she saw his helpless brothers, two of them were exceptionally handsome, their looks shone, despite being stripped of their jewellery, and their expensive drapes. Another one, was handsome too, having a lean, muscular, frame, much like Radheya. Radheya was there too, smirking at them with pleasure.

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