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    -"Who was what, Crona?" Maka asked becoming even more confused. I don't understand... I know I heard someone. "Did you think it was over? I'm always here. I know his secret... between him and his weapon." the voice said. "S-stop it. Leave me alone... Don't talk about him." I whimpered getting more scared by the second. "C-Crona what's wrong? Is Ragnarok bullying you again?" she said beginning to worry.

    I was going to reply, but before I could, a sharp pain tore through my skull. I screamed in agony and jerked around, trying to make the pain go away, but it only seemed to get worse. "Face it, Crona. We are one!" I could no longer think straight. I could barely hear Maka speaking to me.

Maka's POV

    "Crona! Come on, snap out of it!" I shook her, but she jerked from my grip. "Help! Somebody! Professor Stein!" I shouted. Papa came running in first, then Professor Stein, Miss Marie, Soul and the others. (Except Kid and Liz. They never came to school.) "What's going-" Professor started before cutting himself off. He ran towards Crona and hit her with his soul's wavelength.

    Crona stopped screaming and passed out. "Crona! Professor, what the hell?! I said help her, not try to kill her!" I was outraged. Why would he hurt Crona, one of his own students?! "Madness." he responded as though he read my mind, a serious look on his face.

Stein's POV

    Just as I thought. Crona's insanity is returning... But how and why? I took her to my office and let her rest in one of the beds. I need to talk Lord Death, but before I assume anything. I should talk to Kid first. Maybe he'll know something.

    I stopped by Gallows Manor and threw a rock at Kid's window. Just so I don't interrupt anyone else. He slammed his window open and began to yell. "Who the hell threw that?! I will kill you if there's one small crack in my window!"

    I sighed heavily. This oughta be good. "Kid I need to talk to you about Crona." I said calmly. "I... I don't want to." he said quietly. I raised my eyebrow at this. "Why not?" "She hates me!"he huffed. What? Crona? Hating him already? It hasn't even been a year, has it?

    "What happened?" I asked. "Mmm... Fine, come inside." he closed his window and after a few moments his door opened. "Thanks." I said as he allowed me inside. I heard him sigh before he said "Liz kissed me... Right when Crona came into the room... She was too upset to speak to me. Dad told me to wait outside the manor for Crona, but..." he trailed off. I could tell he is still distraught from their little fight. "But?" I pried just a bit, hoping that this may lead to why Crona's madness is the way it is.

    "She never showed up... Only Liz, she confessed to me, but I turned her down. I love Crona way too much to give her up." he said. His eyes widened. "Hey... Didn't you say you wanted to talk about Crona?" Is he serious or was his mind just a blank slate before. "That's why I'm here." I sighed. "Ahhhhhh!" That scream sounded like Liz.

    Kid and I rushed upstairs. He kicked the door open. "What happened?!" he yelled. We both froze at what we saw.

Unknown's POV

    Hehehehe... Things are going to get interesting. You may have gotten rid of me twice, but you can't get rid of me thrice, Reaper. I'm coming for you, starting with the ones you love! You better hide your son 'cause he may be able to try and fight against me, but can he fight against someone he loves so dearly? I believe not! Isn't that right...


                              To be Continued...

    A\N: Aaand... Scene. The suspense kills! Nah, I'm pretty sure you all know what's gonna happen... Or do you? Muahahaha! Anyway, leave a vote and comment if you enjoyed. Make sure to follow ya zie 'kay couz?! See you in the next one, bye bye!

                              ~So Delirious, Out!~

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