Entering the New Place?

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Crona's POV

    I'd never felt so nervous before... This black figure with a skull mask stood in front of me. I felt like it was staring into my soul...

"Hello~, you must be the demon swordsman... Crona, yes?"

    He said. I hesitated, what should I say?

"Uhh... Y-yes?"

    Oh lord, this isn't going well at all. I can't tell what he's thinking! I can't deal deal with this! I wish I had never been born...

"Hey Lord Death, got a minute?"

    I heard a guy speak. I turned to see a man with red hair coming towards us. Wait... This guy seems... Familiar somehow...

"Uhh... L-Lord D-Death?"

    I stuttered out barely above a whisper. The black figure turned its attention towards me and I jolted back. He sounds nice, but he feels so intimidating!

"Hm? I'm sorry did you say something just now?" He asked.

"O-ohh no... No sir!" I squeaked.

"Well, do you have a room for her?"(A\N:Yes her)

    The red-headed man asked.

"Yes of course, please escort her there its under the academy."

    The black figure turned towards its mirror.

"Yes sir."

    The red-head nodded and grabbed my arm making me jerk away from him out of a nervous reflex. Oh lord...

Kid's POV

Paaaatty! Get the hell back here right NOOOW!"

I screeched chasing the crazy Thompson. She laughed and kept running through the house, messing up the symmetry of the walls.

"KYAHAHAH! Look sis, Kid is going crazy!"

    Me crazy?! Are you sure about that?! Must she do this all the time?! Besides, its bad enough LIZ DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! She just sighs and waits until things get worse... Crash!


    I didn't even want to look.

"Patty... What did you do?"

    I tried to stay calm. She slid away and whistled.


    The table was broken... Asymetrically... Everything went black....

Crona's POV (again)

    I sat in the corner of my new home. Pulling my knees to my chest with my head down, shutting myself out from the world...

*Knock, knock, knock*

"Hey Crona, I'm coming in!"

A\N: This is my very first Soul Eater fanfic. I gave some thought of making one to prove that I am a fan of KidCro ;-) So, if I recieve some love on this fanfic... I will continue. I will try real hard and make a new post every weekend.

                              ~So Delirious, out!~

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