Marriage gone Wild!

637 13 11

Crona's POV

    I still can't believe it! Kid proposed to me and I excepted! Our wedding is tomorrow! Everything has been set up from the previous weeks since the proposal and all that's left is the perfect dress. I've been looking for the past week and I'm starting to get nervous. Maka, Liz and Patty have been helping me find my dress, dragging my to several different stores.

    It's kind of hard to find a good dress when you have a belly the size of a newborn boar. Trust me, they're huge! Most of the dresses that fit my stomach couldn't get past my breasts. That's embarrassing! Many shopowners suggested postponing my wedding until after I give birth. And frankly, I'm beginning to consider it...

    Dress searching just makes me feel fat! I know our relationship has been... A bit rushed, but we are both still happy despite the problems we faced. Everyone has been supporting us so I can't let them down! The wedding must be tomorrow! I don't want them to do all this for nothing!

    As we walked into another store a felt a sharp pain hit me. I'll never get used to these cramps... They hurt worse than when your in your dark week. (Am I right, ladies?) I stumbled a bit and leaned against one of the poles. "Crona? What's wrong?" Liz asked. I waved her off. "I-I'm fine! Just a cramp!" I said forcing a smile. Ugh, this'll be fun...

    They weren't very convinced that I was fine so they decided to take a break from dress searching so I could take a seat. I sighed. "Maybe those people were right... Maybe I should put off the wedding until-" "NO!" Maka cut me off. "Don't listen to those jerks! They're just upset that their dresses aren't good enough. They were just taking their frustration out on you!" Liz and Patty nodded.

    "Don't worry, Crona! To be honest... We already ordered a custom made dress for you! We let them know you were pregnant with three!" Liz said happily. I frowned. I can't believe it! They made me begin to stress out for nothing! "Don't worry. That was just payback for stealing Kid. I still held a slight grudge...." she said looking away. If it weren't for these hormones, I'd probably just smile it off. Of course that's not the case...

    It took every fiber of my being not to beat the hell out of her. I'm guessing the babies weren't happy either 'cause they started kicking... Hard. I clutched my stomach and fell to the floor. Everyone quickly ran over to me. I couldn't focus on what they were saying. They all looked frightened. "E.....e-enough...already..." I whimpered softly. That did it. The kicking stopped.

    At least I know they're obedient, I suppose. Maka called it a day and took us to Kid's place. I still don't technically live there yet, but I will after tomorrow! Kid had me in a death grip as soon as he saw me. He's been a whole lot more clingy lately. Must be because the due date for our children is getting close! I'm pretty excited myself.

    "I can't belive this is actually happening!" Kid said. "You know... I think Crona said the same thing." Patty said matter of factly. I blushed 8 shades of red. "N-n-no I didn't! You were hearing things, Patty!" I said turning the other way, going to the kitchen. Soul and Blackstar are here too? They were sitting at the counter making some sort of bet. "Deal!" the both shouted.

    I tried to ignore it and go to the refrigerator, but I felt them staring at me. I turned around becoming a little annoyed. "What? Is there something on my back?" I asked. They shook their heads. "Oh no nothing please continue!" Blackstar said with a huge grin. That's even more suspicious... I shrugged it off and looked for my leftovers from last night's dinner.

    I was about to go into the cabinet to get a plate, but Soul and Blackstar blocked my path. "Uh... The plates aren't in here! There-uh... Over there!" Blackstar said pointing to the opposite cabinet. I sighed heavily. "Guys, I've been here long enough to know those are where the pots and pans should be." I said pushing them aside, having lost most of my patience with them.

    I opened the cabinet and nearly passed out. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed stumbling backwards into the table. Inside the cabinet, was.... Tsubaki's... Head. Kid and the others rushed in to see what was wrong. "Wait, please don't be scared! I'm not dead! It's just my smoke bomb form!" Tsubaki said jumping out of the cabinet changing back. I was stressed out just a bit and I felt one of the babies kick my spine.

    I began to cry. While Kid and Patty conforted me, Soul and Blackstar were beaten by an angry Maka. Meanwhile, Tsubaki was scolded by an upset Liz. Turns out Tsubaki was dragged into pranking Kid. Of course, they never and we all know why... What a day this has been.


    The day has finally come. Kid left early to make sure everyone was ready. Professor Stein was with Ms. Marie, probably helping her find her way to the dressing area. We all know how she is with directions. I went ahead to see the gown they had for me. Maka and Tsubaki held it up for me to see. It was perfect!

    It was completely white, but it had beautiful baby blue outlines that seemed to make the dress brighter. (Silly cause it's already white.) The dress fit perfectly and it blended nicely with my skin and the veil went well with my hair. I turned to the creator and thanked him kindly for the dress.

    Oh shoot! I have everything, but the maid of honor! I turned to the four girls. "Sooo... Who'd like to be my maid of honor?" I asked. Bad idea. They all wanted to. "I am the maid of honor because I was her first friend!" Maka said. "Who cares about that?! We are all her friends! Crona and I have been though a lot together." Liz said. "More like against each other!" Patty chimed happily.

    "Um... I think it would be best for Crona to decide. I mean she might just pick me!" Tsubaki said. "AS IF!" Maka and Liz said in unison. I'm beginning to think a maid of honor is a bad idea... If I am to choose... It would have to be....


    It was officially time! I made my way to the door awaiting my cue to go. As the music played, Rachel and a few other children from her town were throwing the flower pedals as I strode down the aisle to my betrothed. Kid held his hand out helping me up the steps making sure I don't fall.

    I'd made my decision of the maid of honor: Maka. It would have to be her. If it weren't for her, I would've never even met Kid.

    While the priest, Justin read the testimony a sharp pain rain through me and I winced a bit. Justin and Kid took notice of this as there was a pause. "Are you alright?" Kid asked. "Y-yes. Sorry just a cra-argh!" I cut off as an eben sharper pain rain through me lasting longer. I dropped to the floor. I could hear a few gasps and whispers.

    Maka and the others tried to help me and I felt something dripping down my legs. Apparently, it was staining the dress because people started saying 'Oh lord! Get an ambulance she's bleeding!' Before I could respond another wave of pain hit me. Hard enough that I passed out.

Maka's POV

    "Crona! Hey Crona!" I said. She was out cold. Kid picked up saying "We need to get her to the hospital! She's in labor!"

                         To be Continued...

An: AHHHH! The time hath come! Crona's gonna give birth! Not to mention.... Double upload! Oh yeah! So Vote, Comment and Follow for more. Also If you want some Attack on Titan let me know in the comments and I'll see what I can do! I do NOT ship the following:


Kay? Bye bye Lovelies!

                            ~So Delirious, Out!~

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