Chapter 1

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My name's Caoimhe O'Brien, bust most people just call me Grace. After all it's a whole hell of a lot easier to say Grace then Caoimhe. To be honest I have trouble saying it at times, like when I'm tired or really excited.

I'm a sixteen year old girl, with long red hair that goes almost all the way to my butt. My eyes are bright green and I have a few freckles on my checks. My 'mom' likes to call me potty mouth, because I cuss almost all the time. Why is that so bad, well my 'mom' is a preacher.

And if you also want to know why I keep putting air quotes around the word mom, you'll figure it out as soon as I get home. Which will hopefully be soon.

"Mrs. O'Brien, are you listening?!" Mr. Adams, my geometry teacher called from the front of the class. The look on his face told me he knew that I wasn't, but would give this one chance to start.

"Oh um, of course I am Mr. Adams!" I call from my place in the back. I could instinctively tell that he didn't really care if I lied, as long as I paid attention.

So as expected he just nodded and went back to his lecture. He did that a lot with me, mostly because I hate everything that has to do with math. Though he was a nice enough guy, I mean he hadn't failed me yet, so he's cool.

Deciding to actually take notes for once, I pulled out my notebook and stared writing down what was on the board. This only lasted for about five minutes as something on the roof of a building across the street caught my attention. Well it was more of a someone, it was a boy about my age dressed in all black. He had on a black leather jacket and a black t-shirt with a skull on it. His pants were loose but not falling off his waste, and he had on black combat boots.

His hair was dishwater blond that hug from his head lazily, like he hadn't even bothered to brush it this morning. On top of his head was a black toboggan that covered most of his hair. His shoulders were broad and strong, but what really caught my attention was his eyes. They were a bright gold, unlike anything I had ever seen before. I felt like I could stare at them all day, that is until I noticed that he was looking right at me. It sent a chill down my spine.

I wanted to get up and run from the class, so he would lose sight of me, but for some odd reason I was frozen. It was like I was transfixed on this mysterious man, I couldn't even make myself look away.

I don't know how, but I felt like I knew him from somewhere. I couldn't ever remember meeting him before though and that bothered me to no end. Suddenly a smirk formed on his face before he turned and walked away. The second he was out of my sight my hand flew into the air.

"What is it Mrs. O'Brien?" My teacher asked as he stopped his explanation of what an absolute value was. "May I go to the nurse I'm not feeling well?!" I questioned, doing my best to sound sick. A small sigh came from his lips, but he slowly nodded his head. I quickly pick up my stuff and run out the room.

'Who was that? I hope he didn't get far. I need to find out how I know him, I just hope it isn't anything to weird!' I yell in my head and took a right and headed straight for the exit. The second I came around the corner I was knocked off my feet.

"What the hell was that?!" I think out loud as I push myself off the floor. Which I soon regretted as I turned around and saw a seven foot tall man in a black suit with a pink tie. On top of his bald head were two four inch horns, they both had what looked to be carvings in them.

"You should really watch where you're going Mrs. O'Brien!" The behemoth chuckled as he stared down at me with pitch black eyes. A chill flew up my spine as I backed up against the wall. "H-how d-d-d-do you know my name!?" I stuttered as I gained some confidence at the end. I silently cursed myself for stuttering like a child, I hate to sound weak.

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