Chapter 2

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"Ma'am my name's Gabriel, I'm with Elroy's!" The boy announced as he stood up straight and took a slight bow. My moms face quickly changed from confused to understanding, as she looked at the boy next to me. "If you are THE Gabriel then take that thing off and prove it!" My mom ordered in a tone not even I've ever heard before.

I was quite surprised to see Gabriel's jaw and fists clenched. "Must I ma'am?" He whispered deadly serious. A crude nod from mom later and the boy had reached up to his head and revealed the rest of his hair. Like I had said before it looked like he hadn't brushed it at all, I mean even his dog ears were a mess.

"Wait dog ears!?" I suddenly yelled, but quickly covered my mouth with my hands. On the top of the boys head were two blonde pointed dog ears. "Yes the dog ears prove it, I apologise. You may put it back on, now." My mom said and with in the next millisecond, Gabriel had recovered his head.

"Thank you we must go, she has to come to Elroy's now!" The boy mumbled as he took a lazy step toward the door. My mother on the other hand still didn't seem all that sure and quickly voiced it too. "I'm gonna have to ask you why Gabriel!" Mom said with her hands on her hips. I personally saw it coming, so it hadn't surprised me too much. I had half expected Gabriel to spin around on his heels and question my mom, but from the look on his face, he was no more surprised than I was. "To be frank, the children of any and all arc angels have been going missing. The headmaster fears the worst, so he is trying to assemble all of their children. For their protection of course." Gabriel said with almost no emotion at all.

To me, it seemed like he didn't care on way or the other about what was going on. Like he was only following orders, given to him from his boss. Then again he could be lying to my mother in hopes of tricking her into trusting him, but why do that? Could it be that he was really here to kill me or worse? Maybe he wanted me to join some kind of cult or something. "That's got to be it!" I whispered or at least I thought I did. As it turns out I had actually yelled it so loud that the President could have heard it. As I looked up I saw two faces looking at me as if I had just grown a third head.

"Uhh, what?" I asked as the two continued to stare at me. Neither one said anything not a single word, only kept staring at me. "For real what is it?" I questioned a little bit louder. Again no one said anything, which was starting to piss me off. After some three minutes of nothing, I blew up. "For Fuck's sake, just tell me already!?" I growled forcing them to snap out of it.

"Well you were mumbling something about a cult and then you just start screaming about it having to be it," Gabriel said this with almost no emotion at all. I instantly turned a dark shade of red and hide my face. Not again, why do I have to do that all the time? "It was nothing important," I said with my face still hidden.

"Um, okay then! Welp let's get going then!" My mom said in the creepy cheerful voice of hers. Again I was confused, but this time because I had no Idea where we were going. The reason for this being that I wasn't paying much attention to the two of them, so naturally, I was confused. This kinda happens a lot when a conversation doesn't exactly entertain me. "Um, where to?" I questioned as I walked toward the door.

"Well, you're changing schools, honey!" My mom said with that same voice as before. Once that settled in I stopped dead in my tracks, I had never changed schools, not once. For as long I can remember I've gone to the to the same exact school as I'm in now. Why then would I move to another school now, after seventeen years? Why now?

"What the fuck for?" I yelled as I glared at my mom and Gabriel from across the room. This caused my mom to sigh in exasperation as she rubbed her forehead. Gabriel looked like he was wondering how I had made it through so many years of school without being kicked out. Which was a very legitimate question, because I had sometimes wondered the same thing. "Because if you don't you will most certainly die!" Gabriel informed the redhead as he once again turned toward the door.

"Well when you put it that way, I guess I'll go with you!" I said in a very even tone, but on the inside, I was freaking out. I'm too young to die, what the hell is going on here. Why did this have to happen to me?

Three long hours later and we were standing in front of a large wooded area about five miles away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I'm not gonna say it was unsettling because it strangely was very settling. Far more so than the city ever could have been. There was a silence louder than any city mile and I loved it. Never before had I felt this safe, I mean sure the city was great and all, but this was like I was finally returning home after a long stay away.

"This is as far as I will bring going!" My mom chirped from the driver's seat of her VW bug. This cause yet another question to form in my head as my mother never trusted me to go anywhere alone with a boy. I'm not gonna say that I had never been alone with a guy, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

"That will have to work this time. The headmaster doesn't like uninvited visitors." Gabriel said with a crude nod as he walked toward the tree line. I, however, didn't move an inch. For once I was too terrified to move and I hated it. If dad were to see me know he would be just as pissed as I am. "What's wrong Lil Red?" Gabriel asked with a small smirk.

"Nothing and don't call me that ya dick!" I said as I quickly as told my mom bye and jogged to the trees. When I reached the trees I noticed that Gabriel was indeed smirking at me like I had somehow amused him. "So what the hell are we doing here anyways. I don't see a school at all, all I see is a bunch of trees!" I grumbled as the ass just looked at me.

"You ask a lot of questions ya know that?" Gabriel asked as he stepped forward and seemingly disappeared. Before I could question what happened something had pulled me forward and for the next few minutes I couldn't see straight. I could vaguely remember being carried through a lot of halls with dozens of kids around my age running around.

When I finally came back to reality some old ass man was in my face with a look of curiosity. "Who the fuck are you and where the shit am I?" I grumbled as I slowly sat up. The old man didn't answer and simply looked to his left with his eyebrows raised. "That's ten bucks, old man. Told you the first thing she'd do was ask a question!" A familiar voice said with a chuckle.

"That you did say! Ugh fine, here you little brat!" The old mumbled as his hand vanished from my view. Next thing I knew the old man was looking me in the eye. "So you want to know what's going on well I guess it's my job to tell you!" the old man said as he sat back in his chair. "Well this is Elroy's and it's a school for special people such as yourself! The reason you needed to come here is that if you had stayed with your family any longer they would have been put in danger. Danger that they are not prepared for! This is the only place safe for people like us, but not for the reason of it being hidden. It's more of a spiritual thing!" The old man said as I did my best to understand.

"That is all, for now, Gab will show you to your room!" The old man said as I stood and followed the ass out of the room and down a few more halls. Once we made it to the room that I guessed was mine I walked in and was very surprised to see that all my stuff was on one side of the room. On the other side of the room was someone else's thing, I guess I had a roommate now. "Oh and just so you know it'll all get easier! Well, see ya around Lil Red!" Gabriel said as he left my room. This was gonna be very hard to get used to.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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