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Where'd ur fave take you on your first date

Aries: To your bedroom 😏............. To play card games c:

Leo: Carnival

Sagittarius: Outside? (Wat dat?)

Taurus: You've gone out and taken the long way home, and it's not just an english love affair. You're his heartbreak girl, he wants to be beside and wants to wake up with amnesia.

Virgo: You guys went to the movies and had dinner....

Capricorn: You guys just stayed at home and chilled ;)

Gemini: you and him went to the sauna and it was in the Himalayas and stuff got weird....

Libra: You guys flew in a private jet to Zemidia, and he left you there.

Aquarius: Some fancy restaurant that you don't even know he afforded it

Cancer: Someplace else where it's quiet and you can stargaze

Scorpio: The club

Pisces: The public pool where he buys you a $2 pizza box that somehow fell into the pool anyway

5sos ZodiacsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora