I Got The Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Elena's POV

I can not believe I am going to be Prince Gabe's body guard basically!

"Here you go!" One of the senior guards said.

"I'm sorry what?"

"Here you go!" He said handing me a dark blue, light blue uniform with red on the neck and the sides of my torso, it had buttons on the front. The pants were dark blue with red stripes on the sides, I wore them with black boots that were a size too big.

"Thanks." I said.

"Guard we will see you tomorrow for your first day training!!!"

"I guess."

"It wasn't a question!"

I walked home carrying my bag filled with my uniform in it, it was so heavy especially with the boots. 

The dirt roads in the village were crowded, as I walked through I saw other people that were at the tryouts. Some were crying they probably needed this job and when they didn't make it they didn't know what to do. Some weren't educated and this is what they focused their whole lives into making it in to the guard and they didn't. Some were forced to tryout (like me) they thought they were letting their families down.

Some were cheering the made it, they needed to make it and they were ready to train and ready to fight. Some people surprised their families telling their families they made it when didn't know that they tried out. 

I walked down the road knowing my family wouldn't be waiting to find out if I made it my grandparents would be working and Isabel was at school.

I walked into our empty house it was small but not to small, it had dark hardwood floors, drab white walls with three windows against the one across from the door. I walked down a small hallway my grandparents room was the first door on the left same drab white walls and floors, a mattress in the corner and a small dresser against the front wall and on the side a closet there was only one window making the room look dull. Across the hall was their bathroom, their only bathroom. The second door on the left was mine and Isabel's room, the walls and floors were the same all throughout the house, we also had one window letting some light in. There were two beds against the wall, there was a small dresser between the beds and there was a tiny closet as well. We had a photo of my family before my parents...you know.

In the photo I was 10 year old I wore my brown hair in a ponytail the usual, I wore a red 3/4 sleeved dress with some pattern it went to just above my knees, and light brown boots that went to my ankles. Isabel was 6 her hair was in pigtails and she was wearing a blue dress that went to her knees with matching boots to mine. Grandmother was in a pale pink dress, while Grandfather wore a bright blue suit. My mother wore a pale yellow dress that went to her feet, my father wore a green shirt with black pants. Esteban was wearing (I don't know his age but he is older than Elena.) his usual maroon jacket and white pants.

This photo was the last one before my parents were killed so it's very important to my whole family. I told you we don't have much money but we paid to have that framed.

I heard the door open,

"Elena! Dear how did you do?" Grandmother rushed into my room.

"Great I got the job! How are things at the restaurant?" I asked.

"The usual not many customers. What are you going to do?"

"I'm a member of the royal guard but also guard of the prince."

"That's great! What a really important job!"

Isabel entered the room, threw her bag on the floor and sat on her bed.

"Isabel did you hear Elena got the job?"

"That's great!" She replied

"Where is grandfather?" I asked

"Working down at the docks but, he will be home for dinner so you can tell him the big news!"

_____________Skip to dinner time_______________________________________________

"Whats for dinner?" Isabel asked.

"Tamales!" Grandmother said.

"My favorite!" I yelled.

"It is a special occasion." Grandmother said.

"Ah I smell tamales!" Grandfather said as he entered through the door.

"Really that's the first thing that comes to mind when you come home?" Grandmother asked sarcastically.

"Why?......Oh Elena how did it go?" He asked.

"Well I see you finally remembered." I said rolling my eyes, "Also, it went great I got the job!"

"That's great dear! Now on to the tamales!" He said.

Hey guys! Sorry me updates have been taking a while school :( stuff. Anyway hope you liked this chapter, I don't own the characters! If you are reading my other story then expect any update in the next day or two! Thanks guys please comment and vote what you think!

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