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A/n this first chapter is kinda boring but I promise it'll get more interesting.

Garroths Pov (that's point of view of you didn't know)

I sat on the couch bored out of my mind. Travis was pacing around while Dante and Laurence sat with me.
"I'm sooooooo bored" Laurence said like a child
"Aren't we all" Dante sighed
I was about to sigh and complain with them but my phone rang. I took it off the little side table next to the couch. It was vylad. I picked it up and said

(G: Garroth V: Vylad I'll do this when two people are calling or texting)
V: "Hey Garroth!"
G: "Great to hear from you vylad but why exactly did you call?"
V: "No specific reason. I just need to get out of the house and wanted to know if you're free?"
G: "Yeah, I'm actually bored out of mind and so are the guys."
V: "Well invite them to hang out to!" He seemed very excited and full of energy, as usual.
G: "K, let me ask them." I laid the phone on my lap. "You guys wanna hang out with me and my brother?"
"Sure!" They all said in unison happy that there was something to do.
G: "They said sure."
V: "Great! Is it ok if I go there?"
G: "Yeah of course. See you soon vylad"

I hung up and just laid there waiting for him to arrive. After about 10 minutes the door bell rang. I shot up and answered the door. I opened it to see not only vylad but a very angry Zane.

"Oh hello Zane I didn't know you were joining us?" I said with a smile
"Trust me it wasn't my choice Vylad literally dragged me here" He said with a tsk.
"I wouldn't of had to if you just agreed to come peacefully" vylad replied
I let out a small chuckle and invited them inside. Laurence and Zane did the same thing they do every time they see each other. Literally it's been happening since high school.
"Hello little Laurence"
"Hey one eye"
I mentally laughed as I sat down.

Zane's Pov

I sat down on a chair and looked around in silence. I was having a good day until vylad literally dragged me out of my house. I didn't really get why I had to be here. Technically I could leave right now but I'd probably feel bad later. Plus karma would bite me in the ass. I felt someone sit on the other part of the chair. The chair was big enough to hold two people. I looked up to see Travis. Believe it or not we were good friends back in Highschool but.... Things change. He smiled at me. I smiled slightly back but it was probably hard to see under my mask.

"Wait I know what we can do!" Travis yelled breaking the silence.
"And what's that" Dante replied raising an eyebrow.
I jumped a little at how loud he yelled that. I collected my self and just continued sitting there. Everyone seemed to agree so Laurence turned on Netflix and we picked a movie.

~Le time skip~

Laurence's Pov

We had been watching movies for a long time. I checked the clock and it was about 2:30 in the morning. Everyone seemed to be dosing off except Zane who was doing something on his phone. I stretched my arms.
"We should probably hit the hay" I suggested
"Agreed" Dante yawned
"It's pretty late. You two should crash here for he night" garroth suggested to Zane and vylad.
"Ok thanks big bro" vylad smiled
"Yes thank you garroth" Zane said without looking up from his phone.

Ok so this first chapter was pretty boring but I just wanted to get the setting done. It will get a lot more interesting I promise. Anyway I hope you will enjoy what's to come of this fan fiction.

The Ro'meaves Casanovas {A Gaurence, Zanvis & Vlante FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now