Twenty three

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Vylads Pov

I woke up on my bed. It was still dark. I sat up and rubbed my head.
"Thank Irene you're awake!" Dante said giving me a big bear hug. I hugged back slightly trying to forget why I had blacked out.
"Yeah I guess...."
"You really gave me a scare there for a second." He said smiling. How was he so happy? You don't just admit to the person that loves you that you just love them as friends and then smile and pretend nothing happened.
"Is something wrong Vylad?"
I nodded my head.
"What is it? You can tell me anything." He sat down on my bed and twirled so that he was facing me easily.
"It's about what you said....." I admitted
"Oh...... What part of it."
"The part you s-said you appreciated me as a friend and all...."
"Excuse my asking but what was wrong with me saying that I like being your friend?" He asked politely and confused.
"Just the context of it."
"What do you mean context?!"
"Just the reason you had to say it."
"Oh I see."
"And I see too."
"Well I'll just be leaving."
"Have a nice night."
"You too."
We had gone from a peaceful conversation to an argument in a matter of seconds. He walked out of my room and slammed the door shut. I curled up into a little ball and cried. I cried. I let it all out alone and to myself. I turned off all the lights so a person could have been standing right in front of me and I wouldn't notice. I sniffles into my knees until I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and a sweet voice say
"Did you hear the last thing I said?"
I shook my head in his arms. Why was I letting be myself be sucked back into what landed me here?
"Well do you wanna know?"
I nodded.
"Well I said 'You're a great friend and all but... I want to be more.'"

Zanes Pov 

I didn't  want to tell anyone about me and Travis just yet. I wanted it to be a secret maybe. Only for a little though. It was honestly for Travis's own good. I'd have to convince garroth that Travis is a good guy before I could tell anyone. So I told Travis earlier after Laurence and garroths announcement to keep his mouth shut! I stretched and started compiling lists of ways I could convince garroth.

The Ro'meaves Casanovas {A Gaurence, Zanvis & Vlante FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now