Chapter 7

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            “I see that we have visitors tonight. And they look young!” Mom arrived later that night while the girls and Tessie are trying to build a building out of freaking twigs. Their project was to make a building or a house with recycled materials. How the hell are twigs recycled?

            “They are Luke’s friends.” Tessie announced and I threw her a pillow.

            “You’re their friends. You look like sisters. Plus, you’re having a hard time figuring out what to do with their project.” I smirked as a twig snapped and their building collapsed. All of them groaned while I was just sitting there quietly while staring at them amusedly.

            “Luke, you better help those girls.” Mom intervened. Whoa. Why do I have to help them? I already told them I’m quite busy (but I’m lazing around here) and I have my own problems. (really Luke? Really?)

            “I don’t want to help them because in the first place I did not even agree helping them. Tessie just came up and became friendly with them.” I explained but my mom just frowned at me and glared at me pointedly. I guess I can’t even argue with that look. I sighed and stood up and walked towards the helpless girls who are actually rebuilding their “twig building” which looks like twisted bones in the distance. I sat in front of them, grabbed all the twigs and dumped it into the trash.

            “Luke!” Tessie’s shocked face welcomed me. I just smiled at them and ran to my room to find some newspapers and old magazines and some Popsicle sticks and a hard bound paper. Maybe this will do. I went back downstairs finding the girls almost in tears because of what I did to their twigs. I rolled my eyes and dumped all the new materials I found and started work. Damn. Why did I have to help these girls? Why did mom have to glare at me? I scoffed at the thought and concentrated back at the work in hand.

            After a couple of hours of working, the building is finally finished. Well, I might say that I copied our school external structure and for that, I praise myself a lot this evening. Though my help was really not needed, I did help them because their twigs might have snapped at school and Tessie might blame me for not helping them.

            “Dinner’s ready!” mom called as if on cue when I have pasted the last window on the Paper Building I just made. I looked around me and saw the excited and happy faces of the girls including Tessie. Jeez!

            “This is perfect!” all the girls synchronized and I just sighed and stood up, striding to the kitchen to eat dinner / feast.

            “Thank you for coming girls. I hope my son has been of help to all of you.” Mom is now bidding goodbye to the 5 little stalkers with a smile on her face. What is her problem? First of all, her son just got stalked! Second, she’s welcoming the stalkers right into her home. Third, wait, I was the one who told them to get inside. Well, I was being considerate. Fourth, she even cooked dinner for the stalkers including the little pig who is actually Tessie.

            “Thanks you for the delicious food Mrs. Adams!” the 5 chorused again.

            “Oh, you’re welcome. Please do come back whenever you feel so dears!” mom almost shouted because the girls started to walk away from our house. Thank goodness I can now have the peace back.

            Mom closed the door and smiled at me before disappearing in the kitchen. Why did she smile at me like that? Did I do something right for her to show me that smile?

            “Are you still up Luke?” I heard my father’s voice just outside my room. I scampered out my bed and opened my room finding both of my parents waiting. I gestured them to come in before I closed the door behind them. Something must be up.

            “We have talked to Tessie’s mom.” Mom is currently sitting on my bed while Dad is standing beside her. I froze when I heard her statement. What about it?

            “What happened when you talked to her?” I asked impassively, pretending not to be affected by the thought that Tessie might go when the time comes that her mom claims her.

            “She cried because she is blaming herself for the things that happened to her daughter.” Mom started. “But she wants to start anew. She wants to fight for Tessie’s custody. And no doubt that she’ll win this case.” Mom explained. I just gave her a nod.

            “But son,” it was Dad’s time to speak. My eyes darted to him as he speaks. “She will be bringing Tessie with her abroad. You might not be able to see her.” His face looked melancholy because of the news I just heard. I scoffed and ran my fingers through my hair.

            “What is this? First, she leaves her daughter for another man and then she comes back just because she already knew that her daughter has been like a punching bag of her ex-husband? And then she’s going to take Tessie away to start ANEW? That is one fucking excuse of a person.” I kicked my computer chair and it stumbled unceremoniously on the floor. I am seething with rage now. After what happened she only thought about that today? That is motherfucking wrong!

            “Luke,” Mom spoke but I raised my hands up and I shook my head.

            “Speak no more. I do not want to hear any more of your news.” I told them before I exited my room and went to Tessie’s. I found her sitting by the bed on the floor.

            “Why aren’t you asleep yet?” I asked as I made my way to her. She looked up and I spotted her tears. Why was she crying? I knelt in front of her and hugged her tight. Did she hear what my parent’s told me? I sensed her sobs because of the faint shuddering of her small body. She heard. She heard our conversation.

            “I’m sorry. I overheard.” She sniffled while I was brushing her hair with my fingers while rubbing circles on her back to comfort her.

            “It’s okay. I should be the one who must apologize. I was selfish. I didn’t want you to go away from me. I was angry because with what has happened over the years; your mom only appeared today and is trying to get you from me. I didn’t want that to happen. I wanted you beside me. I need you beside me, Tessie.” I started.

            “But if you’ll be happy with your mother, who am I to argue? Who am I to deny you your mother?” I pulled her back and wiped her tears with my thumb. “Stop crying. Why are you even crying? You didn’t do anything silly and sweet Tessie.” I chuckled as she pouted.

            “Because I didn’t want to be away from you.” Her words were like magic to me. Her words were like magic to my ears. She didn’t want to be away from me. Does she like me the way I like her, because if that’s the case, maybe waiting for her won’t be so bad at all?

            “I know I’m as selfish as you are but I need my best friend too.” She smiled as she sniffled. Ouch. The pain from hearing the word “best friend” has pierced my chest again. I sighed as I assess the pain building up inside me and the lump in my throat feels a little bit bigger now.

            “Tessie, I’m sorry.” I apologized to her because knowing myself; I might ruin our friendship of what I am going to say next.

“I’m sorry but I don’t see you as my best friend anymore. I don’t want to be your best friend anymore because I love you. Call me selfish and all that, but I love you. I don’t know how it started but I just felt pain in my chest whenever I see you, maybe because I really, really do love you.” I told her. And all I got was a gasp.

That hurt.

She couldn’t even respond to what I told her.

She couldn’t even say yes or no.

She just stared at me and then looked away.

She just told me to sleep because it’s getting late.

And I, being an idiot, never did ask her after that again.

I didn’t talk to her after that again.

And I didn’t make an effort for her to stay, knowing that maybe she doesn’t even want to see my face anymore.

Oooh. What just happened? :)) Thanks for reading guys! :*

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