Fake Smiles.

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              Fake Smiles are ALWAYS used, we've all had a day or too with a fake smile, pretending nothing is actually hurting you. Well can I just say. Fake Smiles SUCK. It shows that we can put a brave face on, it shows we can be brave. But hiding that something is hurting you, isn't the best thing to do. The reason I'm saying this is cuz I put a fake smile on like 15 mins ago. I find people who put fake Smiles on are pretty incredible for trying to leave out the sad, and it just intrigues (think that's how to spell it) me on how they can keep it all in without crying or something. Depending on whom you hang with you can always find a way to make them happy, but the only problem with that is... well you.
If your not happy, how do you make others happy? With your friends and best friends your able to hide how your feeling without shading a tear. And that is INCREDIBLE! But how do you do all of it?

             A tear can just sprout from no where, and it does have the chance on making you cry more into your friends shoulders, or it stops you from crying just feeling that one could be enough. Honestly what I think of fake Smiles... it's wrong, you shouldn't fake anything. If you need to cry, cry. Your probably gonna be A-OKAY! If you don't cry, I think the less tears you cry the more you'll be upset.. I know you may be faking a smile cuz someone called you something offensive like sh!tbag or dipsh!t or has even asked you something stupid like; Do you have pubes? ~ DONT LISTEN to those people, if they tell you something or ask or shout at you saying horrible things just be a bigger person and ignore them. One day they'll get bored on calling you these names and the stupid things. Trust me, if you tell a friend, family, someone who cares a lot more people will fight with you if you SPEAK UP, nothing bad will happen only if you yell something back.

                 There's many times I could have spoken up, but didn't. Like I had to run away, but if your strong, you'd face it and tell your friend or a sibling or parents, they CAN help when you need them the most, don't be afraid to talk about it. It really can help if you do talk. I hope you know your loved so much by people around you, your amazing. Fabulous, Real, Stunning, Radical, and your Unique, never give up on what you love. You, can really make a difference if you talk to someone who will help.

My most recent fake smile, is really bad I guess.. I asked something and he said no, then decides to ask if I'd go so he can do his homework.. now that's not sad, I know but I felt so heat broken. Not because he was busy or he said no to my question. I broke when he said could you go? I said I was okay with leaving, but honestly I wasn't. I said good night and we said we loaf each other, and I went. I sat here thinking and just started to cry, I pretended to be okay with it. If you just put on a fake smile just to make them happy, I am so honoured. But I am so sorry. If you don't get hurt at all by pretending to be happy, I really do hope everything is okay.

           The hole point on this chapter.. is to think about fake Smiles, and think what if? What if you cry on a shoulder of a friend or sibling? EVERYTHING will be okay and they will help you. I'm HERE to help you, I love you all so much. And I really hope you Never forget I'm here for you. If you feel blue, I'm right here.

       Good night, and sorry if I've misspelled it's 12:15am and I'm sick.
       Lots of loaf...

It's my lifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz