Today, 26th July.,.

19 4 8

Hewo..this is a special day :)
You don't know why it's a special day... But it is.
And honestly I didn't expect this. Especially from him <3

Oh you all must be very very confused 030
Well, I have this friend and he is really nice ^-^' I've been talking to him for over a year now.. And he has always made me feel very happy when my days are dark and sad.. But he some how finds the best ways to cheer me up! It's kinda crazy as well.. Well this hole convo is.. Did I mention I'm typing as I speak right now?
Oh sorry drifting off :P

Well, my friend is so cool.. He sometimes stays awake longer then he is meant to be when talking to me. We would normally speak for hours a day. And to be honest, we still do XD
He is such a nice warm hearted person!
Recently I told him about... Last chapter. And he wrights a long butt paragraph on how a relative left this world.. And honestly it was one of the saddest things I've read/seen..

The main thing I like about him is his personality, he is so funny and amazing honestly all I wanna do is hug him day to day ^-^' and if you know me I don't like irl hugs XD sometimes he makes immature jokes kinda like Harriet but... More funny? Jk jk I think it's about the same!
But his curiosity can get the best of him, he is always wants to know what happens.. Kinda like you Lana ... Sorry mentioning irl peeps :P
Honestly he is a great friend like my irl friends.

We communicate by Discord.
Although first it was Twitch, we met on twitch.
I was watching a Minecraft stream *please note the streamer no longer streams Minecraft so please don't call me a minecrafter please and thank you ;)

When the stream got to like 4am he came in and started talking.. And from there onwards, we've talked every single day for over a year, and we still do to this day. He is so funny and sometimes I just wanted to say that.. I actually like him... (Yeah new ship what ever... :P) I think Imma tell you what happened now :)

I was writhing a huge paragraph to someone and he was spamming the@ button so the notifications always come on my screen XD
So the notification made Instagram spaz out.. And deleted my paragraph..
And he said, 'sorry. I missed you.. like in person not emotionally but kinda..' Then he tried to change the subject xD
Then I was like.
"You missed me o:
I'm so... How do you say...
Surprised? :P
Jk jk XD
I think you complicated that....
'like in person not emotionally but kinda' hmmmm.... :P
I'm curious now XD
Can I just add I feel weird talking bout this but.. Yeah it's a way on getting rid of a ship.... Lana -.-

Then he replied with..
"i emant like i would miss your presence :P
*i meant
But if it makes you feel good ... :3"

I said I didn't believe him.
So from here I had a weird feeling..
He replied with thanks.
And then I was like "Ik I'm too bootifle to be missed.... Jk jk jk 0-0"

Then he said 'maybe you are and maybe you aren't :P' then we kept talking (he changed subject XD)
From then on.. We had a lil chat...
But when it came to 'loaf' he made it kinda... Hmm
Idk how to say it but..
He asked if loaf as in hate, or loaf as in love..
And I told him I use it as love XD
And he said, 'like, I loaf you?'
I said yeah like that.
And then he HAD to say, 'now which one do I mean?'
-.-  grr <- me inside my head.
I thought he meant it as hate..
So I said hate.
Then he said, "well if that's what you want it to be :P" like whaaaa?

Then a few convos down from that..

I said,
What loaf form r u thinking of?
Be brutally honest :)
Not brutally but like..

He changed subject again.
He then said, he likes bread a lot. If he can put jam on it then he loves it..
Then I kinda thought he actually liked me 0-0

Got back to discord and read this....
"btw.. who said i would go out wiht bread :P
But, i would like to go out wiht you, if thats okay? Like if you want to that is
migh tneed ot delete that :3"
Then I was like. Well...
Yeah *^*

It's my lifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz