School Is Weird Like WTH

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SN: So here's a quick, possibly not so quick synopsis of my school experience so far. It's great.... Kinda. I don't know if I fit into a crowd but I potentially have a new friend whose name I can't remember at the moment. Sad I know but my mind is filled with anime characters names, music, and shitty story ideas so don't judge. Um apparently most of the girls I sit with, people from my old school, have a crush already! Like WTH! Yes I'm a single Pringle who will forever be known as Sargent Narwhals or Sarg aka AlwaysEpic. It's pretty much just one girl and me who doesn't have a crush on a guy but! And yes I mean but! I was in Algebra 2 copying down the problem and this girl stood up. Man oh man she was pretty damn cute but crush I wouldn't consider it that being I don't even know the chicks name! Also I can't log into anything because we have to change our passwords but when I tried it fucking failed! Not to mention we share our lockers with an assigned partner AND I CAN'T EVEN GET MINE OPEN! I've just faced the facts I tend to get the shitty things it's like the universe enjoys stretching my patience until it snaps like a fucking rubber band.

Second day of school
English teacher: State one thing about yourself and your name then something about the person you talked with.
*Other students start sharing.* *It comes to me.*
Me: "I was nicknamed Sargent Narwhals in eight grade." (Didn't think I'd give you my real name that easy would you?!)
*small collection of laughter.*
One girl who can't remember my name calls me Sarg everyday she sees me. I felt proud about that actually. I have even set up some goals other people would probably be like 'fuck no' to. Of course I won't mention them.... *cough cough* possibly the next chapter. *cough* Anyway My homeroom and Spanish 2 classes are like my easiest classes so far. Yep that's what the first few weeks were like and let's mention I didn't mention everything cause that's too much and yeah I'm procrastinating so hard on my homework it's sad. Any who SargentNarwhals is out. Obey your Sargent and kiss a narwhal later peoples.

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