Little Children

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SN: No I'm not talking short children I'm talking young children. I went over my family's house for Christmas and I haven't seen them in years. Some of them looked way older but not my point. There were more children than I remembered. They were cute and there was some screaming, but it was nice. A wonderful reminder why I don't want kids also. So yes little kids are adorable but they can sometimes be little shits.

Me: *reading manga on my phone.*

Kid: What're you doing?

Me: Reading.

Kid: What reading?! I can't hang with you.

Me: *smiles a bit*

10 minutes later (I think XD)

Kid: *nudges me once again*

Me: What?

Kid: You gonna keep playing on your phone?

Me: Uh probably not.

Kid: You gonna keep playing with your cheeks.

I have acne and dark marks from the acne on my cheeks. I was probably scratching it like usual and this little shit said that. I let it slip though well until he said "Your voice is deep are you going through puberty or are you done?" I had to stop a few minutes on that one. Though I don't have many readers I will say this so I won't be questioned *cough cough* I AM A GIRL. Well that's all I've got to say for now. Happy Holidays I hope you all had a great day and continue too. Sergeant is out. 🐚🐋

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