The Artist.

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Lazily, you pressed down on your pencil and watched it glide down the outline of your doodle one last time. The flowers in your notebook continued to bloom with each stroke, your eyes quickly jumping around from one place to another and looking for something to fix and perfect. From time to time you'd flicker your irises upwards to stare at the clock ticking away or the teacher writing something down on the blackboard. You didn't particularly care about studying – you are a webtoon artist, and having top grades weren't that important to you. Your parents would disagree, but then again, they weren't here to judge you so you continued drawing aimlessly.

The teacher called a student to answer and thankfully it wasn't you. Briefly, you lifted your eyes up to stare at the stack of raven black hair. The kid was tall, probably one of the tallest kids in class, and had such a stoic expression that you wondered if he ever even smiled. His name was Jumin Han – a rich and spoiled seventeen year old that grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth. Even you managed to gather that much information and it was only your first day here!

Jumin's monotone voice echoed in the otherwise quiet classroom as he droned out the pitch perfect answer that satisfied the teacher, "Correct as always, Mr. Han!" He grinned, encouraging the rest of the class to follow in Jumin's example. Somewhere behind you there was a snort and this time you didn't need to turn to know who it was.

"Oh?~" His voice was smooth like satin, making you blush lightly as your eyes connected with red ones. He flipped his silver hair – and you swore you saw sparkles – as his face slowly stretched into a bright grin. The girls around him swooned, unable to look away or even acknowledge you, "Who might you be, princess?" The nickname made your mouth dry. Shyly glancing away, you mumbled your name under your breath and moved away from him and the crowd of girls—

Hyun Ryu was his name, or at least that's what he yelled after you as you shuffled to a spare seat. He was the complete polar opposite of Jumin, and his face could rival that of a god (and you were sure it did). The amount of fangirls he had was slightly disturbing and right there and then as you took your seat you swore to yourself to keep as much distance between him and you as possible.

Fate was a funny being though as it so happened that he sat right behind you. You could feel the burning gazes of some of your new classmates check you out as they eyed Zen as well. Not that it bothered you all that much, it's not like you minded the attention. You just worried you'd get bad one.

You almost flinched as someone poked your back, the shard of your pencil breaking in half as you snapped your head back surprised. Zen's face seemed lost for a split second, clearly he didn't expect such a sudden turn around. In a heartbeat, a lovely grin spread on his clean features, "I noticed you drawing." You blinked, dumbly. Now you could definitely feel those stinging glares. Resting his head on his hand, Zen continued, "May I see?"


"What you're drawing. Can you show me? You seemed really into it." He explained further. Really into it? You were just doodling, deadly bored at that.

"Oh, uhm, sure..." You murmured, a small smile tilting the corners of your lips. Grabbing your notebook, you put it on his table, "I'm just practicing..." you glanced at the teacher, making sure he still had his back to you. When you looked back at Zen you found him inspecting your drawings carefully – even his serious face looked absolutely stunning, "Flowers are always fun to draw, and...stuff." You were having trouble conversing with someone so strikingly beautiful.

"They're really good!" He said, hushed, pointing at a pair of glasses hiding behind a batch of flowers, "Not a flower, though." You grinned.

"Caught me red handed." You admitted, "It's practice for..."

That seemed to pique his interest, "For...?"

"(Name) (Lastname) would you like to share with the class?" A cool shudder went up your spine as the blush on your cheeks heated up to the max. Yanking your notebook you sat up straight avoiding the teachers gaze. Some of your classmates snickered.

"No sir." You said with a shake of your head.

"You're lucky it's your first day, (Lastname), or else I would definitely report you to your parents."

Class resumed without a hitch after that. You decided to keep your head low and ignore the constant poking on your back, though a quiet 'Sorry!' did reach your ears.


The door to your room closed and you finally took a breather. Throwing your book bag on the floor you gave your small room a once over – the number of drawings on your wall didn't change. You felt your chest spur in excitement, a wild grin stretching on your face as you stumbled to your desk and plopped down, automatically turning on your drawing tablet as you eyed the various references and drawings of a ginger haired boy.

"Seven Zero Seven, Defender of Justice, Best Hacker in the World I have returned!" You said happily, watching as the screen lit up with the unfinished panel of Luciel Choi, the protagonist in the webtoon you created and was currently blowing up, came on screen, "New school is treating me well. There's this one boy that would make the perfect shoujo manga boy, and I'm about eighty percent sure he is. And then there's Jumin, who'd make a perfect villain." You snickered, taking your drawing pen "But don't worry, Luciel. You'll always be my favourite. I just...

Sometimes wish you were real, you know
Life would be so much more fun if you were around."

Short first chapter is very short! I just wanted to set up a character and shit will definitely go down in the next chapter lololol this game is ruining my life.
If you have any suggestions for the future lemme know!

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