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  "Oh! So rude of me..." He said, grinning, "I am Seven Zero Seven, Defender of Justice!"

D-Defender of Justice?! Seven Zero Seven?! This guy is out of his mind!You shrieked inside your head, feeling a bead of sweat roll down your neck from the heat. You had long accepted this not to be a dream: his hands were too warm and the wind that caressed your hair and legs was much too ticklish to be fake. You had no idea how you got here, but one thing you were sure of – you fell into some psycho cosplayers trap. Maybe he kidnapped you on your way back from school – you don't remember leaving but he might've drugged you or something terrible along those lines. This was probably some sort of sick fantasy of his!

Oh God, oh God—

"H-Hey! Don't cry!" The one pretending to be Luciel hushed. His face was starting to get blurry. Your body shook like a leaf. From what you could tell he was getting lost, unsure of what to do. His hands squeezed your shoulders harder and starting into your eyes. He seemed torn – maybe he should hug you? Let you go? Luciel gulped, "I'm not going to hurt you I swear! You have to believe me!" The strain in his voice made your fear falter for only a split second –perhaps he was really telling the truth? You visibly shook your head, hurriedly wiping away the tears. Luciel sighed, softly, "I-I scared you right? Appearing out of the blue all of a sudden, I'm sorry! You must've escaped from...That place. I know it's hard for you to trust me but you have to. I'm not the bad guy here." His eyes roamed your body, lastly coming back to your face, "You don't look hurt...Thank God." He finished with a smile, "C'mon, we shouldn't stay here. I promise I won't hurt you. I will take you home or drop you off somewhere you feel safe, okay?" Stiffly, you nodded. As soon as he parted from you, you instantly felt colder. Surprised yourself you blinked stupidly as Luciel passed.

Did you actually have a sense of security around the psycho cosplayer? He sounded genuine, but those kinds of people always do, don't they? You decided to follow him. It would probably be worse if you stuck around these areas. Luciel's smile brightened once he noticed that you caught up.

"What's your name?" He asked. You raised a confused brow – wouldn't he know already? Or did he just randomly snatch you up? Maybe he already knew just pretended not to know to gain your trust. Still, if you wanted to escape you had to play along for now. At least your nerves weren't going haywire anymore.

"(Name)." You introduced yourself, quietly, glancing away from his friendly irises. You were still feeling a bit vulnerable from before.

"(Name) huh..." He repeated, more to himself than you. It felt strange – hearing him say your name so attentively. Suddenly he broke into giggles, "That's a..." You shot him a glare, "That's a really cute name."

"Then don't laugh about it!" Why were you getting so worked up was beyond you but seeing him smile so carefree made your heart jump. Thud. This was bad. He was charming you! But then again...Didn't he look just...very familiar? You noticed his pale skin heat with a dusty pink blush and abruptly you leaned away, giving him some personal space – you were starting so shamelessly. But he kidnapped you! the voice in your head squeaked.

Your eyes caught the edge of a red Lamborghini and you stopped in your tracks. Can psycho cosplayers even afford Lamborghinis?! And more importantly, it looks just like Luciel's baby!-

"T-That's our ride!" Seven cleared his throat, sending a beaming smile you way, "I'll take you anywhere you want... I can't leave you alone, you understand, right? This is...Not safe place." His tone turned chilly once you reached the clearing. Tilting your head to the side you gasped.

A tall building loomed between the trees.

Isnt—Isnt that...Mint...eye? way...This can't be real, no...

"This is an exception, you hear me? Other than now, never accept rides from strangers!" He added dryly, pressing something in his pocket. The car's lights flickered and Luciel reached to open the door, "Now then—"
A gun shot rang in the empty area.

Luciel stumbled back.

W-why is there a
...a hole in your back?

The whole world came crashing down on you and trembling almost violently you gazed to the front of the car – a man with a hood over his head stood pointing a gun at the REAL SEVEN ZERO SEVEN. A shade was cast over his face, but you could still see a faint smile playing on his lips. Those tattoos left no doubt – this really was real. That or you hallucinations were on a whole other level, because no one could cosplay as Saeran. He wasn't even introduced in the comic yet!

Your train of thought then shifted away from the laughing maniac to a still shocked Luciel. Crap, he's hurt! you panicked, your feet moving on their own as you rushed to the back door, pulling it open, "Oh?~ who's that behind you, Luciel?" Saeran's voice sent a chill down your spine and you tried your best not to freeze up. Yanking him on the sleeve, you rushed Seven into the backseat of his own car and shut the door before he could protest.

"My name is (Name)!" You announced angrily. Saeran lowered his gun, cocking his head to the side in a curious manner. Your determination was admirable, or so you hoped he would see it as that and not crippling fear, "And don't you dare get in my way!" You finished with a huff, plopping on the driver's seat and slamming the door as you moved.

"O-Oi! What the hell are you doing?!"

"Shut up, idiot! You're hurt!" You snapped, pushing the start button. The car's engine groaned.

"Do you even know how to drive a car?!"

"Do you want to die?! I-Idiot, of course I don't, but those this really matter now?! Press on your wound and for the love of God stay awake until we reach the hospital!"

You weren't that surprised that Saeran didn't chase after you – he could've easily shot you, after all. You guessed your declaration impressed him. Maybe even made him curious. But that was beside the point – clinging to wheel for your dear life you pushed the pedals and somehow, with a couple of ungraceful turns to various sides, made it onto the dirt road and pushed forward in full speed.

"Hey- ack!- don't drive so fast!"

"Shut up!" You yelled, almost head-butting a tree, "I'm trying to save your life!"

"Neither of us will live if you crash my precious car!"

You eased off the acceleration and with a soft sigh slowed down to a normal, but still rushed, speed. Luciel coaxed you best he could – you could barely hear him over the roaring of the engine. His voice was growing weak but he still tried to joke around. The nerve of this guy... you grumbled, eyes fixed on the road. If you were really just at the Mint Eye headquarters – to be honest there was no reason to deny this wasn't real anymore – then a trip to the hospital would take up to three hours at the least. You wanted to glance at the rear view mirror and see how Seven was doing, but refrained in fear of crashing the car. You were starting to panic again.

Wait! The cabin! Shouldn' be around here, somewhere?

"H-hey! Backseat idiot!" You called, flustered, "Isn't there a cabin somewhere around here?" No response reached you, "H-H-Hey! Seven!" You called again, finally getting the courage to glance up – fear struck you like lightning as your eyes glazed over his twisted face. He was in a lot of pain. And most likely burning up. Crap. Okay, I think I remember...where to go...How do I turn this car? Oh-oh-Crap! I shouldn't even be driving! I don't have a license! NO! Luciel is in danger! I must help him!


You weren't a driver, and you weren't a doctor either – God, you were a webtoon artist you hardly even paid attention to class! But for once in your life luck was on your side and you made a mental note to thank your mother for being a nurse and teaching you a few tricks. Getting Luciel out the car was not easy and you were beyond glad that he was still conscious and could get up himself. You carried him to the cabin, which with little struggle you found, and with his help laid him on the bed. After that, you grabbed a med kit from the trunk, cleaned his wound and patched it up. You didn't dare to take the bullet out; you'd leave that to the professionals.

After thirty minutes the painkillers started working and you could finally relax. With an exhausted sigh you threw yourself onto a chair that was standing next to Luciel's bed. At last he was finally sleeping peacefully. Only now did you notice your hands trembling, the smell of sweat and blood that tickled your nose, the dryness of your mouth and the ache of your muscles. You were completely drained. Your school uniform was ruined, but that was the last thing on your mind. Catching your breath, you gazed at Saeyoung: his expression was so peaceful, granted he was pale as a sheet but at least he's alive. Your ears ringed with his last words before falling asleep, "Don't call the ambulance, don't call the ambulance...' You knew he was a secret agent and all, but was giving his location away or bringing people closer to Mint Eye really mattered now?

With another heavy sigh you forced yourself to stand up. Everything hurt. Approaching him didn't take long, only a couple of small steps, and leaning in you reached for his pocket where you knew his phone was. He didn't react when you had it in your hands. You smiled softly. Taking a blanket you covered him, "You are so reckless, Luciel...Well, I guess I'm the one to blame." You murmured, leaving the room to call the ambulance.

Once you hung up a strange buzz caught your attention. Humming, you spun on your heel, only to blink stupidly at the appearing sigh in the air.

"To be...continued...?" you read, "What the hel—"

The world went white.




"Oi! (Lastname)! (Lastname) are you here?!"

You were sucked back into reality by a squeaky voice of a girl and a pounding on the stall's door. Taking in a deep breath you pinched yourself – was that all a dream? Was it really a hallucination? There were no signs of blood or sweat or tears on your uniform, not even your hair was shrivelled. Disoriented, you unlocked the door and pushed it open.

You were greeted with surprised faces of three girls. One of them gasped, "Oh! (Lastanme), are you okay?! You look so pale! Are you sick?"

"You didn't return to class and we were all so worried!"

"Mr. Han said you were at the washroom so the teacher sent us to check—"

"W-WAH?! (Lastname)!?"

"She fainted!?"

"Quick! Call the nurse!"

MysME! [Luciel Choi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now