A promise.

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   "I-Idiot! These terrible driving secrets is what kept you alive!"

Luciel was still laughing at your red cheeks, leaving you to awkwardly stand by the door. Your mind raised a mile a minute, as did your heart in hearing his actual laugh, and clenching your fists softly you finally had the strength to pull your eyes away from that blissful smile – getting distracted would do you no good. You needed to find out why you were here...How you got here was the least of your worries, for now that is. You couldn't just tell him that you were teleported by God knows what...Wait...God?! DidGod set this up?! Was he actuall--?!

"O-Oi, (Name)!" He called you, staring at you questioningly. Ah yes, lost in thought again. You shook your head softly, praying it would get rid of all of those pesky thought occupying your mind. Clearing your throat you finally decided to come closer. Luciel's hummed – she probably just didn't know what to do, he thought. Offering you a friendly smile he patted the sheets next to him, "Sit." Was all he said. Frowning softly you opted to sit on the chair next to his bed. "As stubborn as ever." He added dryly.

"Whatever!" You huffed, "And I'm not stubborn, you're just too easy going!" You knew that wasn't true, but if you suddenly started to get all deep and touchy feely it would scare him away in a heartbeat. Luciel giggled.

"One of us has to be. Or else we'll be one sour bunch."

U-Us?...We???.... you felt your cheeks heat.

"I-Idiot, there is no us." You told bluntly.

"H-Huh?" You saw his honeydew eyes sparkle behind his glasses and quickly clearing his throat he opened his mouth to speak but felt his tongue twisted in his mouth. A faint blush bloomed above his sheepish smile and releasing a string of awkward laughter he added, "I-I didn't mean it like that...uhm..."

It's not like you were disappointed. Because you weren't. That's what you told yourself, at least.

"Anyway..." Luciel decided to change the subject and in the nick of time – you were about to say something embarrassing again! "I think we should...Properly introduce ourselves." Oh boy... "I was pretty vague back there...Ya know...My name is Luciel Choi! Or Seven Zero Seven! It's is a pleasure in meeting you!" He bowed his head, that same carefree smile ringing in his voice.

"(Name)..." You glanced to the side, "...Just (Name)." Luciel raised a brow. You felt bitterness rise in your mouth and your shoulders stiffen as you rubbed your palms together. You couldn't exactly parade your full name here, not whilst everyone in your world could see what was happening! Your parents already gave you weird looks for drawing yourself into a comic, but if they saw you use your real name...That would be a complete mess!

"Oh..." Luciel's voice lowered into a whisper, "Just (Name) is fine, then." He smiled, sweetly, "But...I have to ask you. Why were you at Mint Eye?" You bit your lip uneasily, unsure of what to say. Lying on the spot was no a talent of yours and you didn't even want to lie to him in the first place. Thankfully, Luciel took the hint, "You can't tell me...can you?"

"Mm..." You only hummed. Luciel nodded.

"So mysterious...!"

"You're the one to talk..." You murmured, "'Defender of Justice', 'Seven Zero Seven'...Doesn't really make any sense."

"Just like your driving."

"O-Oi! What is it with you and my driving!? I saved your life, didn't I?! I-Idiot, moron! You're hopeless! Utterly hopeless!" You had to hand it to him though, that was a beautiful way to escape a statement. He didn't want to get close to you, you could feel it. Despite sitting so close to him and he so shamelessly grinning you felt the distance between the two of you grow: it was like a cold barrier that neither of you wanted or could break. After a while even his giggling died down and the room fell into comfortable silence. Your fingers fiddled with the hem of your skirt, your (color) eyes boring into the seams of the fabric. You felt his gaze burn your skin – was he inspecting you? If he was, he refrained from saying anything. The silence stretched on as you tried to figure out how in the heck you will get out of here. Every episode ends with a bang, with something interesting or mysterious happening...Something that would leave an impact on the main character...A cliff-hanger? Did you need to create one? How did this all even work--?

"That uniform..." He suddenly said, making you perk up and blink at him, "You're a student. Do you go to school here?" You nodded, "You were also wearing on the day we met...at Mint Eye...Ho—"

"I can't tell you." You cut him off. He glanced away, nodding. "I, uhm...Y-You know, I was...really scared at first. I didn't know what was happening or how to get out." A small smile brimmed your features. You weren't technically lying either, "I thought that it was all a bad dream, but...It was real. It happened. I was so shocked that I didn't even know what I was doing and then...you showed up. Honestly, I think you scared me more than anything before, but...I decided to trust you. And admits all of that, whatever that was, I ended up...saving you." Your fingers dug into the fabric of your skirt, "You entrusted your life in me." Confident, you met his gaze, "I want you to know that you bear the same responsibility now. Please protect me, Luciel."

For a moment he was left speechless, his bright eyes widened ever so slightly to stare at you with such awe you felt your heart spur in your chest. But yours wasn't the only one. Thud. Luciel blinked stupidly, confused by the jump his heart made as he released a soft sigh. He suddenly felt out of breath, ticklish somewhere where his stomach should be.

Uneasy, you bit your lip again. Perhaps your declaration was too much? Maybe you put on too much pressure on his, or were it out of character? You started to feel dizzy.

"...I promise."

You almost gasped, touched, but refrained from showing any emotion though a grin did slip on your lips. The same strange buzz caught your attention and averting your eyes from the boy who was trying to form a sentence you glanced at the window, feeling your breath catch in your throat. The same sign from before 'To be continued...' was appearing in the air. You glanced from it to Luciel – were you the only one who could see it?

The room became so bright it nearly turned neon. As if struck by lightning, you halted up, making Luciel snap his head at you, "I gotta dash!" You called after him, rushing to the door and yanking it open.

"Wait! (Name) I want to—!" His hand extended to reach for you, but you were already lost behind the door. Disappointment washed over him like a wave and slowly he sunk back into the soft pillows, "—know more about you..."

short chapter is very short but i still wanted to post it since i haven't updated in a bit! i hope y'all still like it!!! <3
thank you all very much for the support! i'll try to post more! in the meantime, tho, i shall continue to work hard and prepare an interesting plot.
thank you all again

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