Chapter 4

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A/n: Ok I know that I didn't update yesterday...I didn't know what to bare with me. I do not know what is going to happen WITH THE STORY!!

I walk into the nursery and sees Ivy and Greg holding hands, asleep. I smile down at them. It's been about 7 months since I heard from Jason. I sigh and walk out and close the door quietly. I walk down stairs and the door busts open. I get into my fighting stance and then relax as I see who it is.

It's David.

He smiles at me and runs over to me. He goes to kiss me and I move out of the way. He look hurt and confused.        "Babe what's wrong?" I scoff and shakes my head. Did he really just ask that question? "Whats wrong? Really? I don't hear a word from you for 7 months and you come home and act like you was only gone for a hour. I had to have our kids alone!* I start to cry and shakes my head. "I...I don't even know what to say to you Jason...* I look up at him and he's just standing there is shock.

"Did....did you say kids? Like more then one?" I give him a 'duh' look and shakes my head. "If you was here or tried to even consider contacting me then you would have known that I found out that it was twins at my 4 month ultrasound...but you didn't so it's your own fault." I hear one of the babies crying through the baby monitor, I have on in every room, I run into the nursery and sees that it's Greg crying. I pick him up and go over to the changing table. I change him and he keeps crying. I curse under my breath and pick him up. David comes over and takes him from me. I look at him and he nods. I smile at him and walk over to the crib and looks down at a sleeping Ivy.

I walk out the nursery and goes into the living room. I stand in the middle of the room not knowing what to do. I'm not use to being able to relax. I look at the clock and it's only 2 pm. I sit down on the couch and is asleep within in seconds....

------------------------------------3 hours later------------------------------------

I wake up and look around the room...'I don't remember going to bed' my thoughts was interrupted when David walks in. "Well hello there sleeping beauty. I didn't think you would wake up in enough time for dinner." He walks over to me and kisses me. I kiss him back and then remember that I was mad at him. I push him away and he pouts. 'don't fall for it Hailey. Your stronger then fuck it!'  I grab his cheeks and pulls his face to mine and kisses him deeply. 'How could I be mad at him?' I think to myself...he's going to have to make it up to me later. He pulls away and laughs.

"If you keep kissing me like that we won't make it to dinner." I blush and gets up. He holds his hand out to me and I take it. We walk past the nursery and then one of the babies start to cry. I sigh and David smiles at me. "Go on to dinner I will be there in a second." I nod and kiss him once. I walk to the dining room with a huge smile on my face. I sit down and starts to get some food as David walks in and sits down beside me. "You starting with out me?" I blush and looks away. He kisses me and gets him a helping of food. We start to eat in silence. He starts to talk about the weather and we talk about random things for the rest of dinner.

A/n: ok who's happy I update?! *crickets chirp* dang. I know I'm not good but I didn't think I was THAT bad. Well wasn't that a surprise? Twins? Who would have know...? *coughs coughs* Well I will see you later lovelies!!

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