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{Maddie's POV}
Its the second day if school and I just wanna sleep I don't wanna go to school... I decide to wear a black shirt with blue shorts and some black converse with a red polo tied around my waist.

 I decide to wear a black shirt with blue shorts and some black converse with a red polo tied around my waist

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I loosely curl my hair apply make-up grab my bag and walk out the door. As I walk in I see Jayden and his friend Pauh.
"Hey Mads." I turn around and see Denise and Angie.
"Hey guys."  They walk to me and Jayden and Pauh. I turn around were by back is facing Jayden and Pauh.
"Ok so Jayden and Pauh are looking at your butt."  Denise whispered in my ear. I turn around and catch them in the act.
"What? We were looking at your bag." Jayden said with his face red as a cherry. Liers.
"I didn't ask what you were looking at I just said hey..." I laughed and both of their faces were red. I turn back around while laughing.
"I don't know what their looking at I have no butt what so ever." I whisper to Denise and Angie. We laugh and the bell rang. As I walk I feel someone poke my side. My reaction is move away because it tickles. I look to see who it is and go figure its Jayden. 😒😂.
"Don't do that it tickles."
"Oh really?" Oh lord now that I said it tickles he's gonna do it again. He did it over and over. I was laughing so much right now.
"Jayden stop." I laugh more he laughed too. He stopped as we get to first hour. I sit down and wait for the teacher. I take out my phone and look at my Snapchat and then check my Instagram.
"Ok class phones up time to do work." But its the second day?! Ughh I put my phone up and listen to the teacher.
Yay its lunch! I'm so hungry its not even funny... I go to the table were everyone is and go get food. I desided to get a hamburger. Denise has 2 other friends that sat with us today they are Joey and Lilly. Joey has talked to me and is trying to set me up with Jayden... Isn't going very well or I would be with him. Sadly I'm not 😂. Lilly draws to much attention to herself its annoying. 😒 She has medium brown hair and green ish eyes. Joey has brown hair and green ish eyes too.

 Joey has brown hair and green ish eyes too

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But Lilly's ok sometimes

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But Lilly's ok sometimes... ☺😑
Hope y'all like this book. It's a autobiography some of its true and some I added that I wish happened lol.

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