Chapter 3

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Josh's POV

I suddenly heard the music stop in the dance room. I was confused so I rushed to the dance floor. I saw a crowd around the middle of the dance floor. I rushed towards there, and I found Selena on the floor. I picked her up gently, pulling some of her beautiful brown hair behind her ears.
"A little too much to drink, eh Josh?!?" Bryan said as he laughed at her. Chester joined in on his pathetic laugh as a few others joined in. I glared at his ugly, slightly wrinkled face.
"I didn't invite you!" I screamed. I cletched my fist.
"I don't need permission to break into a party, dumbass!" Bryan said as he laughed at his own joke. My breathing got faster. I felt a drop of sweat drop off my face. No one messes with me, or with Selena, especially Selena.
"Why you quiet little Josh, you shocked?" Chester asked in mid-laugh. My blood pressure slowly raised.
"you.. FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" I shouted as I punched him in the face. He fell to the floor, blood all over his nose. I looked down at my bloody fist and didn't regret what I just did. He deserved it.. I thought. People stood there in shock. Chester ran up to me and tackled me to the ground. I threw Selena on the floor so she wouldn't get squished. I saw Emma run towards her and hold her as she moved her away from the fight. JJ tried to break us up, but Chester really had got me. Chester kicked me in the chest and I yelped in pain. I stood up, and punched Chester square in the balls. Chester collapsed to the floor, blood coming out of his pants. I turned around to get Selena but Bryan was punching her beautiful face and Emma had been shoved on the wall and JJ was helping her up. I kicked Bryan's chest and shoved him into a wall and punched the living hell out of him. He passed out. People started to leave, but some decided to chant during our fight.
"EVERYONE OUT!!!" I screamed not caring about what the others thought of me. Chester helped Bryan up as he limped out as he gave me a evil stare. I didn't care right now, all I cared about was Selena. As everyone exited, Emma came up to me and said.
"Text me what happens." I nodded. She hugged me and ran into JJ's arms.
"That was sick bro,"JJ whispered in my ear. I slightly slapped him in the chest and they left. They all left. I ran to the front door and locked it, with Selena's blood covered face on my shoulder. I ran upstairs, and put Selena in a soft, warm bed. I wiped away the blood on her face and bandaged her cut face. I kissed her dry, bloody lips, but they were still Selena's. And Selena is the best kisser I know. I snuggled next to her, stroking her hair, checking her breathing every once and a while. I loved her.

Selena's POV

I woke up with my vision fuzzy. As it cleared up, Josh was looking at me.
"BAE!" He screamed. He kissed me almost a thousand times.
"What happened?" I asked. I attempted to get up but a sudden shock of pain went through my head. I sat back down.
"Baby, your family's sex pain got to you. And to top it off, that son a bitch Bryan beat your face. But I'm here baby.." He said and he kissed my face. I cried my eyes out, and I really at that point didn't know why I was crying. I guess, I just did. But, Josh stroked my hair. He calmly held me, like a 6 year old girl showing her daddy her boo-boo.
"Hey baby....I think I'm gonna..." I got up immediately and ran to the bathroom. I threw up all over the toilet. It hurt to throw up, and my head was now aching more.Josh ran after me and hugged me as I cried and looked at my mess. When I got down to clean it, Josh, that sweetheart, stopped me.
"Baby, I got it. Go rest." He told me. I listened. I ran into bed and cried into what looked like, a hundred year old covers. All my emotions and pain had just build up in me and I had to let it out. I wish Emma was here to hug me, but at least I had Josh. After Josh cleaned, he came back to me and kissed me on the head when ever I began to cry. I felt mascara running down my face.
"Baby, your to pretty to cry.." He mumbled as he kissed the top of my head. I hugged him and cried into his perfectly clean tux, or at least it was a perfectly clean tux.... After a lot of crying, I calmed down. I began to sink under the covers and so did Josh. We slowly both fell asleep, happily, together. I love him so much...

Josh's POV
I woke up with my baby on my shoulders. I smiled as kissed her lips. She shivered and she made a disappointed face because she had to get up.
"Good morning princess!" I said kissing her again. She squirmed as I kissed her continuously.
"WHY THE FUCK DO WE HAVE TO GET UP AGAIN?!?!?" She shouted and then she sighed. I did one simple thing to calm her down. I gave her a long, beautiful kiss. Her lips were warm and felt amazing on mine. They didn't feel bloody or dry, they were good old Selena's. She smiled at me, her hazel eyes shining at me. But the light went away when she said...
"Babe, I don't feel well..." She said. As soon as she said that I ran into the bathroom, grabbed a pale, and put I front of her. She rolled her eyes and threw up. I grabbed my phone and quickly texted Emma telling her she was gonna be ok. She replied almost instantly.
Me: She is gonna be ok.
Emma: How bad is it, she seemed pretty bad at the party!
Me: Well, she is throwing up, but, that runs in their family:( And Bryan gave her a few bad cuts🤕, but I bet there is make up to cover that😏
Emma: There is XD
Me: Gotta get back to Selena, ttyl
Emma: k, tell her I love her
Me: k
"Who are you texting?" She asked. But, before I could answer, she threw up again. Wow, she sick..OR WAIT! I thought. Lol we will go to the doctors. What will I tell them, that she is having sex pain? Wait, did I wear condom... I can't remember... Is she PREGNANT!?!? No, she can't be... She must have like, perfect eggs to get pregnant so fast. Well, she is my princess.. That isn't that hard to believe. Omg Josh, get a hold of yourself, she is probably just sick cause your hot sex.. Good job man. NEVER MIND.. uh... We will take the test later.... I thought.
"Who are you texting!?!" She asked more playfully this time attempted to grab my phone but instead she let out a slight shriek. Selena held her head as blood gushed from her bandage. I took the bandage off while she sobbed, and it looked pretty bad. I wrapped her head in a new bandage.
"I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean for you to be this sick.... I promise I won't do it again.." I said as I blushed with embarrassment.
"Babe, it wasn't your fault, it was fucking Bryan's....I'm fine really.." She said but then she threw up again.
"Babe, I'm so sorry.. I'm the reason your throwing up though..." I said as I looked at the floor with guilt.
"It's ok babe, listen, my mom is in Florida for a conference, she just texted me,"She said as she stared at her phone.
"Can I stay at your place?" She asked with the sweetest smile. I stared at her and she seemed so happy, even though she was sick and I was so happy. Her beauty made me tear up. So beautiful..... So I thought.
"Baby, don't cry.." She said and she kissed me hard. I kissed back, but it was like she was kissing me with anger not with grace. Well, I guess I deserve it. I just.. Love her...She's my Pretty, Perfect, Princess! I thought. A few hours later I drove her home. I was going to like her staying with me.
Sry guys about all the typos, It will be under editing later:D Plz no rude comments!

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