Chapter 4

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"Max! Where are we going!"

"You'll see," he replied with a smirk.

"I just want to go home! Please!"

"Shut up Celia!" he screamed.

As I started to cry he reached over and clamped a hand over my mouth, rendering me incapable of speech, tears streaming down my face. I tried to pry his hand off but it wouldn't budge because he was so much stronger than me.

"Would you just shut up!? We'll be there in a minute!" he yelled.

His free hand tensed on the wheel, as I sat trembling in the passenger seat.

Within a couple minutes we pulled into the parking lot of a park. He removed his hand from my mouth and walked around to open my door.

"Get out," he barked.

I climbed out of the car and followed him for a few steps and then I saw where he was going - the woods. I silently turned around. I took off running and was a good distance away when I heard him yell, "Where the hell do you think you're going?" I then hear him get into his car, slam the door, and start the engine. I pull out my phone to call my parents, not sure if its serious enough for the police. He honks and I jump, stumbling and dropping my phone in the process. Before I even have a chance to turn around and pick it up, I hear the sickening crunch of my iPhone being pulverized under his heavy rubber tile. I hadn't realized he was that close, and I did the only thing I could think of, I started running in the front yards of houses, knowing he wouldn't draw attention to the situation by flashing his headlights into windows and alerting families. He slammed on the brakes and jumped out of his car, not bothering to lock it, and began pursuing me on foot. Thank the Lord I'm a cross country runner. I wasn't exactly sure where I was going due to the fact that direction wasn't on my mind when I took off running. I'm pretty sure now that I turned the wrong way out of the park, nothing looked even remotely familiar, and was pretty much deserted besides a house every quarter-mile or so. My feet aching, heart pounding, muscles burning, and lungs rasping, I kept running because I knew if I slowed down for a fraction of a second my pursuer would be upon me. I never once looked over my shoulder, knowing from experience that it slows you down and trips you up, but I could sense him right behind me, close, but the distance getting increasingly longer every stride because of my training and speed. I could hear him breathing hard behind me, knowing full well he wasn't going to give up. If only I could get to a crowded area so he wouldn't risk chasing me. I finally came to a sign, marking where I was. It read, "You have now entered Cartersville. Barnsdale - 6 miles."

Cartersville? Where have I heard that name before? That's where all the apple orchards are! There's absolutely nothing in Cartersville! 6 more miles! I've been running for so long I'm not sure if I can last for 6 more miles.

I can just see Max's smirk right now. The thought makes me shudder. Suddenly the trees start spinning around me and the concrete comes up to greet me. All I can think is, I have to get up, I have to keep going, or I'm going to die here.

Max is suddenly standing over me, smirking just as I imagined. "I wondered when you'd give up. People never last that long under Estazolam."

"What's Estazolam?" I whisper.

"Strong, prescription sleeping pills," he mutters as he turns his back to me and pulls out his phone.

"You drugged me?" I ask, but don't receive an answer as he calls someone.

"Yeah man, come pick us up. My car's on 4th street. We are on highway 81 right on the outskirts of Cartersville. Ok thanks."

"Who was that?" I question, my voice hoarse.

"A friend," he answers. Everything goes black.

A/N This is sorta short but I promise the next one will be longer! Thanks for reading, stay tuned for the next update!

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