The Bad Boy Next Door

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Today was the first day back of school me and my best friend Chelsea were getting out of my slick black BMW. W both had take away cups in our hands. We were walking in school when we spotted Chloe and Abbie. Our two other best friends.

Chloe asked, ''Did you hear that you're the captain of the girls soccer team?''

"Oh my god, really when did you find out?'' I asked, astonished.

"Earlier this morning when you got coffee with Chelsea.'' Chloe informed.

"Who told you?'' I asked.

"The coach.'' Chloe replied.

"That's great.'' I replied.

"We have to go to first period before we're late.'' Chelsea informed me.

"Okay. See you later Chloe and Abby.'' I bid my goodbye.

"Bye." They said at the same time.

Me and Chelsea both walked off to class.

"What subject do we have."I replied.

"I think we have English I'm not sure let me check.'' She help up a finger telling me to wait for a minute. ''Ya we have English.'' She replied.

"Do you have the essay that we were meant to do?'' I asked.

"Oh shit I forgot.''Chelsea screamed in kinda a whisper while slapping her fore head like an idiot. ''He is so gonna kill me for this."

"Well he does hate your guts".I informed.
like he hates mine.Chelsea was going threw her bag until she found it.

"Yes I found it whoop."Chelsea replied.

"Here are my answers."I informed.

"Thanks so much." she said

We were sitting in class when I heard a 'slap' noise and looked out the door and saw Chloe with her boyfriend Liam.She had just slapped him she had tears rolling down her cheek.She said something to him and just walked into English class were me and Chelsea were Chelsea didn't noticed anything she was doing her essay.

"What the hell happened." I asked

"Me and Liam just broke up he was chatting on me with some girl".

"Omg I am so sorry." I said bringing her into a tight hug.

"Its OK i'll get over him." she sniffed while loosing her grip around me.

I felt so sad for her and plus all i have left is gym and we are in the same gym while Chelsea and Abbie are in music.


Chloe was getting on her gym shoes.I was walking out of the locker room when I heard some girls talking.

"I cant believe Liam broke up with her she was such a bitch" the one with the blond hair said.

"Ya i know you are so much better then that"The one with brown hair which i think her name was Sarah.

That's when Chloe came out and I walked over to her I didn't want to say anything in case she got up set.


Chloe pass the ball I screamed so she'll pass it to me she passed it to me there was 2 minutes left and we were winning I ran around the feild when i was trying to get the ball in just 10 seconds left and boom! i got the ball inside the net we were all cheering.

"Time to go now and get dressed and were going home."Chloe said

She was really not worried about what happen earlier so we walked into the locker rooms when I was finished getting dressed i went to the hall and met with Chelsea and Abbie. Abbie was wearing a belly top with came a little bit more up then a usually one and dark denim jeans , her hair tied up in a really nice bun,her channel bag coloured brown and her purple and white poke a dots iPhone her were shoes were pink converse.

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