The Aftermath

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I told you I've done something stupid... Luckily my mother wasn't to drunk to have me end up in the Morgue. I felt like it was something I was supposed to do, y' just end all the fussing and the problems since I'm a creation of a sticky situation....but what I did was just a cowardly way to cope with hardships. That's just my opinion ,though...don't take it personally.

Harmony comes to after getting her stomach pumped. The bright florescent lights beamed off the all white ER room. Melissa is laying her head beside Harmony's thigh. Harmony lifts her hand to touch her mother's coiling hair. She has little to no strength to do so, so she just brushes her hair. Her mother bolts up, staring at her daughter with red, puffy eyes.

Mom: You're awake...

Harmony: Where am I?...

Mom: At the hospital...after you took a bottle of anti depressants and pain meds. Why would you do that?! I'm sorry, I put you through so much and none of this is even your fault-

Harmony: Mom!...stop...ok...It's not your fault.

Mom: It is my fault! You would of never done this if I wasn't so busy welcoming in self pity-

There she goes again with the random rambling...It really isn't her fault, it's mine. I chose to take tue easy way out. I wanted to end it for the sake of her...but I feel like if I hadn't made it, her world would of crashed and burned, more ways than one.

Mom: *sobbing* A-and...You're my only child, I would die without youuu!! I'm so sorry I put you though this...I'm such a bad mother-

Harmony: Mom, you're not a bad ok...ok...I'm sorry I've putting you through this. I should of just made sure you were alright instead of trying to just end it all-

The doctor walks in with his clip board of Harmony's information.

Doctor: < Ms....Kirigiri?>

Harmony:< My last name is->

Mom:< Yes, that's correct.>

Doctor:< Seems like you're vitals are back to normal, no sign of trauma to anything important, and seems like your speech and reflex skills are, stable.>

Mom:< So I check her out, now?>

Doctor:< Not exactly. She needs to stay here for a week so we can run...psychiatric test, to make sure she's not mentally unstable.>

Mom:< A week? That's so long..She has school.>

Doctor:< Yes we understand that.Well ,normally if she passes the three day psych tests, she's free to go, but she didn't take those two bottles of complete different types of medications that ,I might add, would of killed her. We want to be extra careful. To make sure this won't happen again.>

Harmony:< I'm still here and can hear everything you two say..>

Basically I stayed there for two weeks. They said one week but I ended up vomiting up that gross Medicine they gave me to clean out my system. Like seriously , that medicine made me sick to my stomach. I haven't talked to Shezuo nor Ibuki since then. And neither have tried to visit me. The only person who really comes here to visit ,is my mom. Not my "dad" or my so called friends...My would drop off some things to keep me occupied, so she brought my old guitar to the hospital. whenever the nurse let's me out for some air, I'll play. For some reason, music helps calm me.

The doctors went over Harmony's mental state and released her from the hospital.

Mom: you don't have to go back tomorrow if you don't feel up for it.

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