OverDose pt. 1

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<> is for when they speak japanese

I did something stupid...others probably wouldn't think it's stupid, but...I couldn't take the misery anymore. Just last month, my...my parents where happy but now...now it's petty arguments and constant yelling. Don't get me started on school...

1 month ago

My name...is Harmony. In japanese, it's pronounced " Chōwa" I lived in Ikebukuro, Japan my whole life. Yet this place feels like I'm an outsider...like I don't belong. People don't think I'm Japanese because of who my mother is. You see..my mom was an American citizen until she up and moved to Japan to roommate with a friend of hers. It was an opportunity for my mother to be an English teacher like she wanted to be. But ended up being my nightmare once I got into high school.

Harmony sits at her desk with her head down. The morning sun beams on her as she stares out her classroom window. Usually, she'll be entertaining the bickering between her two best friends but instead, she rather keep to herself that morning. Her friends were constantly glancing at the lifeless Harmony. One of her really close friends, Shezuo, taps her until she snaps out of her lonesome state.

Shezuo: <hey... You ok? You're not really that talkative today? Is that girl bothering you again?>

Harmony: <huh? Oh..yeah...I'm fine...what, I don't look ok or something?>

Shezuo: < I-I mean...you're not yourself today...it's kind of weird...>

Ibuki: < What he's actually saying, is that you're not flirting with him today and he's wondering why>

Shezuo: *Blushes, embarrassed* < I'm not saying that! Geez Ibuki, why'd you make it weird...>

If only they knew what was going on... Maybe I would of been a bit more sane if I just talked to my friends...you see...I've been getting hassled by so.e upperclassman for whatever they want me to do...academic wise. And my parents haven't been on the same terms for a while now. He's mostly at the office now and my mom is sitting there drinking her sorrows away. Leaving me in the dark.

After school

Harmony leaves her class last.Sheusually be of the class sooner but thing...just aren't the same. She pokes her head out of the classroom door as if she's looking out for someone. She quickly rushes down the concrete steps in the hallway and bolts to the school's entrance. Someone pulls her bag, mid stride, knocking her on her but.

Bully: <And where the fuck do you think you're going?>

Harmony: < Home...>

Bully: < um, no. You're not going anywhere until you give me what I want.>

This girl that's is bullying me is Youko yamamoto... A 4th year, yet she can't pass if it saved her life. I'm surprised she made it this far without committing a seppuku before finals. Now she's forcing me to do her homework since I'm the only 2nd year in a 4th year class.

Harmony:<what? The calculus homework that you can easily ask me to borrow before class time...geez for a 4th year you sure are stupi->

Before Harmony can finish her statement, one of Youko's guy friends punches her in her nose, giving her a nose bleed. Harmony yelps in pain and drops to her knees, holding her nose. She backs up into the side of the school wall looking up at Youko and her goons. Youko hits the guy who punched Harmony in the chest in a playful manner.


Shinji: <What do you mean, " what the hell?" She was gonna insult you.>

Youko:< That doesn't mean punch her in the fucking face! Now explain that when she snitches to her mom!>

Shinji:< Oh, the little half breed isn't gonna say shit to nobody, isn't that right?... Right!>


Youko :< ooh I heard a bit of attitude in her voice...she's not that much of a whimp after all->

Harmony spits the blood that drained from her nose to her mouth at Youko's shoes. Youko frowns at her but then gives her a smug look.

Youko: < He..I'll let you get away with that one since my woman beater over here hit you pretty hard. But next time, I won't be so caring...clean your Nose up before you go home...don't want mommy dearest to pull you out of this school before I'm done getting my grade...later, mutt>

Youko throws her homework in Harmony's face. As she and her goons walk off, Youko flips off her nonchalantly. Leaving Harmony with her head down and back to the school's gate. Harmony clenches her fist in anger, wishing she could just fight back. She wipes her nose with her uniform jacket, picks up the papers that have been thrown at her, and hurry home. Shezuo walks out the front door and sees Harmony speed walking the wrong direction. He calls out to her. She stops in the middle of walking to turn around with an embarrassing look lon her face.

Shezuo: <Harmony! Hey... What are you still doin- the hell happened to your nose?!>

Harmony:<...Nothing...don't worry about->

Shezuo:< Fuck that, did that girl do this to you?!>

Harmony:<...not her but her stupid cronies punched me in the face...but don't worry about it...Shezu..>

Shezuo's face had a bitter look on it. Harmony couldn't look at him when he was pissed. It was like looking at a wolf out for blood. Harmony reached and brushed his silky, black hair out of his face. She gave him a reassuring smile at him, which made his frown turn into him blushing every time she does it.

Harmony:< Don't worry about it...ok...I'm gonna end the bullshit, so I can get back to normal things...She's just...being difficult>

Shezuo:< Fuck being difficult, she's messing with you and you promise that. That you'll get them to stop their harassment ,cause if they don't, I'll handle it myself!>

Harmony:<I-I promise. I don't want you getting in a fight because of me...so I'll stop the b.s. ok...>

Shezuo:< Yeah...>

I'm sorry Shezuo..I didn't keep my promise...cause for the rest of the month was me getting my ass beat for trying to stand up for myself and lying to you and Ibuki about how I have bruises and scars on my body. And everytime I tried to tell my parents,my mother got to drunk to comprehend and my dad was always coming home late and claiming he's to tired to talk at the moment..and at this day...the day before my 16th birthday...I saw him...That bastard!

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