OverDose pt. 3

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The whole house grew quiet. Emotions were high and dirty laundry that was building up in the two couple, was about to come to life.

Satoshi: I'll be in my study-

Mom: why? So you can go run and hide like the coward you are!

The arguing started up again. Satoshi screaming about how he's been seeing a woman younger than Harmony's mother. Harmony's mother screaming and crying about how she's put with his bullshit for so long. How she was tired of being treated like shit and he's the reason why she gets wasted. He blames her for ruining his life by not aborting Harmony which stuck harmony to her core.

Harmony:..what...You wanted me aborted?!

Satoshi:No, No Harmony, that's not what I mean-

Mom: Ha....funny you you'd say that...You know how Harmony's last name Is Tachibana..your last name...Once you left the delivery room , I had her last name changed to Someone else's last name... Harmony's actual father last name.

Harmony: WHAT?!... My last name isn't...Then..who is-

Mom: I don't know...Sweetie it's a long story..

Satoshi: You bitch..Why would you do that?!.What you gave her your last Name?!..all... Most of my life was wasted on some foreigner party girl..All the money I spent on you,our child and you do this to me?!I...I want a divorce!

Mom: The feelings neutral, prick...I'll be glad to sign those papers! A cheater like you is someone I rather not be with. I stayed loyal to you no matter what! But you threw what we had away once you her decided to have an affair with some young girl! Well she can keep you !!

Her eyes started overflowing with tears. She pushes Satoshi to the door.

Mom:Now you can leave me and my daughter's home.

Satoshi: What?! Where am I supposed to go? I pay bills here, too-

Mom: Not in the last 4 months, you haven't...every since you've started working "late". And you can afford love hotels, I'm pretty sure you can find somewhere to stay tonight.

Satoshi looked at Harmony's mother with disgust and hatred. And she did the same with him. He grabbed a duffle bag from the shoe closet near the front door and goes to the master bedroom. He filled the bag with most of his suits and regular clothing. He walks out the front door with his head down. Soon as he left, Harmony's mother dropped to her knees sobbing. Harmony stood there in complete shock on what she heard.

Harmony: So...You lied...you didn't change my last name-

Mom:I did...but...not with my last name...

Harmony: so another lie. How may more lies mom? Who's the guy?

Mom: ....Someone I was really close to...c-can we talk about this some other ti- as I

Harmony: No! Who's the other person, Mom?....mom...

Harmony's mother looked down at the wooded floor,avoiding all eye contact with her daughter. Harmony stood on the side of her,waiting for answer from her mom,but she didn't say a word. Harmony stormed to her room and locked the door.

Harmony: I...I'm tired.

The next day: Harmony's birthday

The house was quiet and morbid. No sound went through the house except the clunking of a vodka bottle hitting a drinking glass. Melissa (Harmony mother's name)woke up and started the day drinking. Satoshi called Melissa's phone all night telling her he'll be getting the rest of his things and that he had an apartment near work. Like Melissa said, it wasn't gonna take long for him to find a place, given his position at a prestige Education Bureau. She kept drinking the whole day and missed out on work to wallow. Harmony missed school as well and just lied on the floor of her room wishing she can unsee what she saw.

All of this is my fault. I wish I could go back. I should of never said anything. But I couldn't just let my mother get played like that no matter who it is...I'm already an outsider in the place I've lived my whole life...I...

Harmony clenched the plushie her friends got her. loneliness came over her. She never felt so low in her life. Harmony can hear her mother crying again and taking gulps of alcohol once more. Hours go by and it's getting dark. Harmony leaves her room to check on her mother decided the Dining room table was a napping table. Harmony walks over to her intoxicated mother. She takes her bottle of Vodka and cup from her limp hands and throws the bottle in the trash and puts the cup in the sink. Her mother groans and starts to cry in her sleep.

I did this to her...she would of never been like this today if I would of never opened up my fucking mouth! Everything that's bad is happening all in one. I'm constantly bullied, My father maybe father was cheating on my mother with some younger bitch ,which who he is probably living with now, and... I caused my mother misery along with me...The hell is wrong with me?!...I..I can fix it...I can..fix...

Harmony walks to the bathroom and searches through the medicine cabinet to find her father's anti Depressants. She looks at the half empty bottle and opens the bottle, dry swallowing all the pills at once. She takes a handful of water and drinks it to help the pills go down easier.She takes her Mother's Pain killers and takes the whole bottle. She stands there for a moment, letting the pills kick in. The room starts to get dizzy and she falls hitting her head on the edge of the sink and passes out on the floor, giving a huge thud sound that echoes through the house. Harmony's mother bolts up from the thud sound.

Mom: Harmony...you ok?... Sweetie...ugh...my head hurts...

She stumbles through the hallway toward the bathroom. Harmony is foaming at the mouth and having a seizure from all the pills. Her mother lifts up Harmony's head to stop the choking. She looks over and sees the empty pill bottle in Harmony's right hand.

Mom: Shit.

She quickly gets up and calls for an ambulance. The EMT's get there, put Harmony on a Gurnee, and rush her to the nearest hospital. Harmony was going in and out of consciousness. She can hear her mother spasming out and crying from her daughter taking those many pills. She finally passes out. Everything goes black.

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