Steamy shower//jerek

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After a long a day spent at the studio it was finally time to go home and relax. "Finally, bro I'm so tired" Derek said collapsing on his bed as he reached it. "I know right bro my throat is killing me" Johnson soon joined him on the bed. Of course Derek didn't mind cause Jack was one of his really close friends almost a brother to him and plus he was way into his phone checking what was new on timeline. Jack has always had a tiny maybe large crush on Derek but of course he never let him in on that secret. Let's face it Johnson always hated rejection and it'll kill him to see Derek say those words that he can't face.

This friendship was to fragile and meant to much to Jack for him to just throw it away by admitting some stupid feelings that he'll probably get over. "Bro look at this homo but don't I look good" Derek said shoving his phone in a day dreaming Jack's face. Derek and nude in the same sentence....yes please daddy. At that thought he snapped his head quicker than usain bolt almost giving himself whiplash "Ooo yeah...I-I mean yeah bro whoever's getting that is bout to be hella lucky bro"he tries to play it off. Derek looked at him for a bit wondering why was he so interested in his nude. After putting two and two together Derek finally saw it....jj liked him.

All this thinking made Derek just get pushed over the edge. He wasn't even thinking about what jj had just said ..almost as if he brushed it off. "Ugh I need a coming jack" he said jokingly as he took off his shirt walking into the bathroom not thinking anything of what he just said. I was kinda hurt and relived that Derek didn't notice what I said. I was hurt cause the one time I say something that's close enough to throw a hint out that I like him he doesn't seem to notice but I'm relived cause I know Derek and how he reacts to stupid shit. The shower turns on the calming sound of water hitting the ground steam slowly escaping out of the capped door.

Jj got up slowly walking into the bathroom stripping from his clothes. Derek stood under the shower head water dripping from every inch of his bare skin. Jack stood admired and amazed slowly stepping in behind Derek. "Jack what the fuck" Derek turned around backing up a bit. Jj took this chance to shut him up and just go for it. He kissed him slowly Derek starting to kiss back a little.

The kiss got heated after a bit derek pushing Jack back against the wall. Jack has always dreamed about this it was always a fantasy but now it became reality as he let Derek take him slowly.

Should I do a part 2?

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