Day 6

24 3 0

Dear Journal,

I rise up ahead of time, as early as 6 in the morning, have a bit of breakfast and head straight to LGM. Thank God! It is a short discussion.

We spent most of the day outside, although I find it dreary visiting formal places in formal attires for plentiful of speeches.

First, we sit for the Austrian embassy's oration on history and culture of Austria and in the end the ambassador hospitably welcomes us in for brunch. Then, we go for the tedious lecture in the state of department added by its long uncomfortable security check. All cell phones and cameras are to be handed in (only possession allowed is a passport) and I see one of the guards asking a girl to take a sip from her water bottle just to verify it is water. Scary! Finally, a photo-shoot opportunity to 'The white house' which is greaaaaatttt.

I have fun in DuPont Circle where we buy lunch. We get lost too but it is not a reason to be worried about because so does everyone else as I've found out. How can delegates (what we are being called as participants of the program) stay on track? Not with those futile maps whose head or tail cannot be discerned.

Right now, I will go to bed, but I miss him terribly and miserably. Sigh. I will just go to bed.

Love Always


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