The Shining Beacon

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Author note- I think we all know these by now but I'm just going to revise them again:
Y/N-your name
F/C-favourite colour
E/C-eye colour
H/C-hair colour
Also I do not own RWBY it is owned by rooster teeth. Also if you haven't seen red vs blue watch it it's better than cocaine. Also I did choose the weapon it's a heavy and bulky flamethrower that requires both hands that transforms into a chainsaw with a flaming chain. Now to the story. P.S. I believe in Bumblebee.

You were excited for your first day at the glorious beacon academy, you'd heard very prestigious things about the school and were excited to make new friends. You wore your F/C trousers and hoodie, you run your hand through your H/C hair and tap your F/C weapon affectionately named the Flamesaw (Great I know). Practically vibrating with excitement you glared with intense lust at everyone's awesome weapons, particularly a short girl's high powered sniper scythe. She didn't look your age and didn't act it either. She stayed nervously close to a shaggy blonde girl, like if she left her side she'd be picked off by a Beowulf.  You thought about heading over to help her confidence but decided she would probably be terrified by a stranger like you. The ship you were in was surprisingly spacious, for a glorified school bus. There is a collection of unique looking individuals including a red haired gladiator, you recognise her but can't remember from were. There is a scrawny looking blonde boy who looks very ill and a deranged girl with a pink warhammer who seems attached to a poor boy with a pony tail. This will be an interesting year.

As the ship landed you are the last to leave, observing everyone's cool weapons. The scrawny blonde ran over to a bin and began to rather violently throw up. Your stomach turned at the smell of sick, and you walk quicker until your past him. Yelling. Someone was yelling, they were very angry at someone, ahead of you a white haired  girl was shouting at the shorter red caped girl. The term Ice Queen immediately came to mind when you saw her. After a slight bit of thinking you decide the younger girl doesn't need this on her first day so you begin to head over. When your only a few feet away she explodes and not as in she got angrier she actually flipping explodes. You run over "Is everyone okay?" You ask stopping as you see they are both very alive. "No. This girl lands on my luggage then explodes. I'm not okay." You suddenly wish you didn't get involved but it's too late to back down. "I'm so, so sorry" the younger girl pleas. "Well you shouldn't of exploded in the first place you complete dult." The Ice Queen says.
"Hey I said I'm sorry"
"Hey Ice Queen back off. It was an accident plus she said she was sorry." You yell back realizing as you yell that you didn't mean to yell. "Its heiress actually" a black haired girl says as she approaches.
"Heiress Weiss Schnee of the Schnee dust company. The leading producer of dust in the world."
"Finally some recognition."
"The same company infamous for it's controversial labour forces and questionable business partners."
"How dare you" Weiss yelled before stamping her foot and walking off. You and the girl who exploded both watched as the girl in white walked off. "Hey what's your na...?" You began to say to the girl in black as you see her walking away. You stare at her beautiful black hair mesmerized by the shade it was. You hear chatter behind you and realize the younger girl was still on the floor. Turning with a hand out you find she's already up and helped by non other than vomit boy. "Thank you..." she says waiting for your reply.
"Y/N L/N, and your very much welcome." You say. Maybe you'd just made your first friend.
"I'm Ruby, Ruby Rose. And this is Jaune."
"Hi Jaune" you say with a smile directed at Jaune.
"Y/N" Ruby starts "What is that?" She asks pointing at the F/C box on your back.
"Oh this old thing" you say clutching a hold of two handles at the top front and top back of the box. Pressing a button it transforms into a chainsaw you give it a quick rev and the chain lights on fire. "Woah. That's awesome." Ruby stares open mouthed and drooling like a puppy. You press another button and it transforms into a very bulky flamethrower. You release a burst of flame into the air. "That's amazing" Ruby says before falling over again. As Jaune helps her up you turn it back into the box. "Does it run on dust?" She asks wiping away her drool. "No it works on my semblance, Pyrokinesis. I can control and produce fire."
"My sister would love that" Ruby pulls out her scythe "This is Crescent Rose my high power..."
"Your high powered, customizable sniper scythe."
"W...w...what?" Ruby stutters with a distraught look on her face.
"I'd like to consider myself a weapons expert" you say proudly.
"What about you Jaune?"
"I have a sword. And I got this shield to." Jaune says. Extending the sheath into a shield.
"Oooh so what do they do?" Ruby says excitedly. You look at her. Knowing they do nothing of much use. Jaune's shield retracts and he juggles it. After grabbing his shield he a answers "well the shield shrinks so it's easier to carry."
"But wouldn't it weigh the same?"
"Yeah it does" Jaune looks to the ground solemnly.
"I think it's great. Don't you Y/N?" They both look expectantly at you.
"Yeah. It's great, a real classic and strategic weapon." You say hopelessly throwing words together. It seemed to please Jaune though. "Where are we?" You say looking around not realising you had been walking.
"I was following Jaune."
"What? I was following you two."

-TIME SKIP to the welcoming of first year's-

"Hey Ruby I saved you a spot" Ruby's sister yells. You and Jaune decide to stand with each other.
"Who's that boy you were with?" She asks Ruby.
"Who? Vomit boy?"
"No silly, the hot one, with the H/C hair"
"Who Y/N?"
"Yes" she sighed finally getting the answer she wanted answer.
"Oh Y/N. You'd like him he's really nice he can control fire."
"I hope he can control this fire." She purrs. You take a big gulp. and try not to notice the aggressive girl. Ruby throws up a bit in her mouth. She swallows it with a shiver. "Introduce me to your friend sis"
"I'd rather not Yang she croaks."
"You!" Shouts a familiar voice. You take this opportunity to move away from the group. You bump into the crazy girl off the ship. "Hey. Wait. Who?" She says "Hi I'm Nora"
"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you."
"Have you seen a boy about this tall. With green clothes, and a black pony tail." She asks quickly
"" You respond.
"Oh never mind he's there" she bounces off leaving you alone.
"Poor guy"

Someone taps a microphone. "I'll keep this brief. You're here in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you finish you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look among you and all I see is wasted energy." You look around and shrug you shoulders. "In need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this. But your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." He finishes. But a woman takes the microphone. "You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed" she says sternly. You turn pale as you realise that everyone's going to be there including crazy Nora and Yang.

-In the ballroom-

You sat there in your F/C pyjamas rocking back and forth before the nightmare began. You had hoped you'd be in teams by now so the uncomfortable tension could be lifted. You just hoped you weren't in Yang or Nora's team. You found yourself thinking about which option would be worse. "Hey Y/N what's wrong?" Jaune asks. "Er..nothing, nothing at all" you say realising you were rocking back and forth and were as pale as milk. "I can tell you're lying. Is it Yang?"
"Yes, I'm very uncomfortable around women. Especially if i don't know their intentions."
"I think we know her intentions"
"That's what worries me" you unfurl yourself and stand up.
"Look there she is" Jaune says. You hit the deck and pretend to sleep as she walks past.
"Is she gone?" You ask still lying down.
"Yes, but you do realise you can't avoid her forever."
"Why not?"
"What if you're in the same team?" Suddenly it goes dark and you hear people stumbling.
"I guess this good night Jaune"
"I think you're right." Jaune says stumbling off. You quickly fall asleep blanketed by the dark.

Author's note- oh God that took a while and a half. But it's done. If anyone's reading this I'll be damned. Chapter two will be published soon but quality control and all that jazz. DAVE out.

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