The Field Trip

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Author's notes- who else is exited for the next season of RWBY, wait that's a stupid question you're reading this story. And if you haven't seen season three what are you doing with your life. Let's get this tea some milk.

The elevator beeps and you and Ruby walk into Ozpin's office. "Come in" he says.
"Sorry it took so long. Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the way up here. It wasn't me." Ruby chirps. You roll your eyes. "Thank you two for coming, how are you feeling?" Ozpin asks.
"Okay, I guess." Ruby answers
"Tired, I didn't get much sleep last night" you smile lightly.
"I'd feel better if my. Bad guy catching record wasn't 0 for 3." She slightly chuckles. They look at her very seriously. "Okay, so that's the mood we're going for got it..."
"Ruby I feel, it's appropriate to let you know that what you did last night, is  exactly what being a huntress is all about. You recognized a threat, you took action, and you did the very best you could." Ironwood tells Ruby. He looks at you with distrust and fear, when he looks at you he sees the demon. "Thank you sir" Ruby interrupts your stare off. What a twat. "Now the general, has already informed us about the events that transpired last night." Ozpin says. "but now that you've rested we need to know if there's anything else either of you would like to add."
"Was anyone else with her? Did she look familiar to you at all?" Glynda asks
"I...I do.." Ruby starts.
"No she was alone but she did have a familiar feel to her. I feel like I've seen her before. I don't know her well, whoever she is" you answer for Ruby "I don't remember her saying anything either."
"She was wearing a mask, I know she never said anything to me but she fought with glass. I don't think that was her semblance though. Her clothing lit up whenever she attacked." Ruby says.
"Save for the glass, that sounds like the woman I fought the night we met Ruby." Glynda explains.
"Embedding dust into clothing is an age old technique. It could of been anyone." Ironwood keeps his eyes on you. "Wait, you think this girl is connected to Torchwick and the whit fang." Ruby says.
"Its possible" Ozpin scratches his chin. "But we still lack the required evidence to link the two together."
"Actually I..I think I remember her saying something about a hideout or the southeast just outside the kingdom." Ruby says.
"Interesting" Ozpin smiles.
"I thought you said the intruder never..." Glynda is cut off.
"Thank you two for your cooperation" Ozpin thanks you. "Why don't you go spend some time with your team? You have a big day ahead of you"
"Anytime" you and Ruby walk away.
"Y/ N can you stay behind please" he asks politely.
"See you at the room Ruby" you say as she enters the elevator. You turn around and face the teacher's.
"Y/ N do you plan to enter the tournament?" Ozpin asks.
"Of course sir, me and my team are entering." You answer.
"Who do you work for?" Ironwood slams his hand on the table. Tilting your head at him questionably.
"I..I don't think I understand"
"We know you're working with that Cinder girl." He pushes you against the wall.
"What are you doing?" Glynda shouts, While you're trying to push his arm off your neck.
"Tell us who you work for!" He yells at you. Bursting into flame you snarl
"I work for myself and my team" you push him across the room and he hits the wall his arm on fire. His sleeve burns of and you see his robotic arm. "Feeling a bit disarmed are we?" You cackle.
"Calm down Y/N" Ozpin orders.
"Maybe your friend shouldn't strangle me half to death" you grin. Showing your teeth. "I'll be leaving" stepping into the elevator you press all of the buttons "it wasn't Ruby" you laugh.

Arriving back at your dorm you see a corgi rolling on the floor. "What is that doing here?" You ask spotting Blake hiding on Ruby's bed. Crimson's hissing in the corner of the room. You see a pile of dog food on the floor. "how long is it staying for?" Putting your face in your hand.
"He's zwei" Yang says cuddling the corgi.
"Yeah I'm more of a cat person myself" you pick up Crimson.
"Will all first year students please head to the amphitheatre" Glynda says over the P.A. you put Crimson down and leave with your team the puma follows behind you. "What are you doing Y/ N?" Someone asks, "pets aren't allowed in beacon let alone walking with you" they cackle.
"Leave me alone Demon" you growl aloud.
"That's not very nice, we're roomies" he chuckles. Recently a voice was in your head a burning voice the voice of the Demon, it becomes worse the more you use the Demon. He stands in front of you "so last night was fun" he grins with his flaming smile.
"We'll talk later" he smiles then disappears.

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