Black and White

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Author's notes- I just realised that I'm on the last episode in season one, it's so good to see Penny ISN'T IT? I have big plans for this chapter and you still have your date with velvet, don't worry I didn't forget about the bunny. Anyway let's get to it. WARNING THE LEMONS ARE REAL.

"Finally, she speaks!" Sun shouts. You take a deep sip of your tea. "Nearly two days and you've given me nothing but small talk and weird looks." Blake gives him a weird look "yeah, like that." You take another sip.
"Sun...Y/N... are you familiar with the white fang?" You nod.
"Of course, I don't think there's a faunus on the planet that hasn't heard of them." Sun replies. "Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks if you ask me."
"She was one of them" you tell him. She glares at you and you bury yourself in your cup. Sun chokes on his tea dropping his cup. "Wait a minute you were a member of the white fang?"
"That's right. I was a member for most of my life actually. You could almost say I was born into it. Back then, things were different. In the ashes of the war, the white fang was meant to be a simple of peace and unity between the humans and the faunus. Of course, despite being promised equality, the faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so the white fang rose up as a voice of our people. And I was there. I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott, and I actually thought we were making a difference...but I was just a youthful optimist... then, five years ago, our leader stepped down, and a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking. Suddenly our peaceful protests were being replaced with organized attacks. We were setting fire to shops that refused to serve us. Hijacking cargo from companies that used faunus labour. And the worst part was? It was working. We were being treated like equals. But not out of respect...out of fear. So, I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my  skills to aid in their violence. And instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a huntress. So here I am. a criminal in plain view. All with the help of a little, black bow." She finally finishes and wiggles her bow." So...have you told your friends any of this?" Sun asks.
"No" she answers.
"Great, I know where I stand" you say looking sad.
"Apart from you Y/N" you stick your tongue out at her. "Lets get going" she say.
"So no more tea?" You produce a pair of puppy dog eyes.
"No, let's go" she blushes.
"Fine" you follow her.

"What's the plan now?" Sun asks his hands on his head walking down the street.
"I still don't believe the white fang is behind these robberies. They've never needed that much dust before."
Your scroll buzzes. "Crap" they both look at you "sorry gotta dash, I've got a date."
"With who?" Blake asks sounding slightly aggressive.
"Velvet, we're going to see a movie." You run off before Blake could say anything, you'd changed into every day clothes and not your combat gear. You were excited to see (insert horror movie title) and were surprised to find so was Velvet. "Hi Y/N!" She scares you from behind. You leap into the air. "Already jumpy Y/N?" She laughs. "Lets watch this movie then." You say entering the cinema.

Throughout the movie Velvet had her hand under yours and she hid in your chest when scared. However you were pretty sure that you were more scared and it was all an act. In fact the movie was terrifying and she was acting less scared than she should. You tried maintaining a macho exterior and failed miserably jumping at every sound. When you left the theatre it was dark and you were relieved and saddened at the same time. "We should do this again" you suggest.
"Sure" she says quiet. You pull her in for a kiss, your lips meet and her tongue gently grinds your lip for entrance. You open up and gently move your tongue around hers. You pull away for air "would you like to come back to my dorm?" You ask. She nods her head furiously.

You arrive at your dorm with Velvet by your side. Opening your door you find teams RWBY and JNPR playing truth or dare. Turns out they'd had another fight with Torchwick and Blake was forgiven now. "So
Y/N and Velvet would you like to join?" Yang asks not taking her eyes of you and Velvet.
"Sure" you say.
"Yeah why no..." Velvet's scroll buzzes. "Oh I'm so sorry. My team needs me" she says in her soft voice. "Today was fun Y/N let's do it again." She smiles leaving, knowing you'll get Crap from your team.
"Ooh what did you do?" Nora asks excited.
"I don't kiss and tell" you say looking away. "Anyway should we continue?"
"Okay Y/ N we'll do you first as you just got here" Jaune says it was obviously his turn. "Yang you ask him"
"Okay truth or dare?" Yang asks.
"You're no fun" Yang winks. "Okay, out of our team, who would you. Fuck. Marry. Kill."
"But there are four of you"
"Ruby's only fifteen"
"Oh yeah" you realise. I would bang Yang, but would I marry Blake, Weiss is definitely kill. "Fuck Blake. Marry Yang. And kill Weiss." You blush. Blake blushes and Yang blows you a kiss.
"Why would you kill me?" Weiss asks.
"I'm just not attracted to you Weiss"  You know the others will ask so you change it "Pyrrha ask Yang" you immediately regret your decision. "I choose dare" she says be for Pyrrha asks.
"I dare you..." nothing with me, nothing with me. "To.." please not me "seduce Y/N" Pyrrha laughs, she knew you'd hate this it was revenge for you not killing the Ursa earlier. Yang walks up to you and sits on your lap. "Hey babe, like what you see?" She asks in a seductive tone. You grow uncontrollably hard and Yang feels it. She smiles and pushes your head between her breasts. You struggle for air and eventually take the easy way out. Yang starts sniffing loudly, "wait Y/ N did you fart?" She ask your head still in her breasts, you do a thumbs up. "Ewww" everyone says simultaneously. Pyrrha looks particularly disgusted. Yang gets off you and walks back to her seat covering her nose. "Y/ N ask Pyrrha" Yang tells you. You smile satanicaly.
"Truth or dare?" You ask Pyrrha. She knows neither way will be a happy ending for her.
"Dare" damn her.
"Pyrrha I dare you to kiss Jaune and don't be shy about it either we're all friends here." She looks at you and heads over to Jaune. "Pyrrha just pass it" he says. But Pyrrha didn't want to lose to you. She kisses him, he closes his eyes and she stares at you. "Enjoying yourself?" You laugh. She returns to her seat Jaune looking dumbstruck. Oh Crap she picks who ask me. "Ruby ask Y/ N." She looks at you like she's won but you know Ruby. "Truth or dare?"
"Dare" you pick being safe with Ruby. She gives a few moments of thought.
"Y/N, kiss Pyrrha" Pyrrha that bitch she planned this. I won't give in. You lean into Pyrrha.
"I'm out" she says. I win.
"It's not your turn Pyrrha." Nora says. You kiss Pyrrha on the mouth and force your tongue inside. Neither of you close your eyes and you see her's widen. Wait is she enjoying this? She closes her eyes and you pull away. "Nora ask Ruby" you say feeling very awkward Pyrrha, Yang and Blake a looking at you. Weiss was also looking at you but she looked pissed. "Truth or dare" Nora asks dramatically.
"Truth" Ruby picks.
"Out of Y/N, Jaune and Ren who would you rather Fuck." Ruby looked carefully at all three of you before deciding. "Y/N." Neither Ren or Jaune argue but you blush and put your head In your hand. "Yang ask Nora." Ruby commands. "Truth or dare" yang asks.
"Spend seven minutes in heaven with..." She scans all three of you boys "Ren"
"I'm out" Nora says blushing. "Yang ask Blake"
"Dare" Blake answers before being asked.
"Kiss Y/N." Yang finally says. Why me? Do the girls have some cult for making me uncomfortable? Blake crawls to you on all fours and places her lips on your's, she grabs your h/c hair in her hand and pushes you to her. She licks the inside of your mouth and brushes your lap as she walks away. "Ren ask Yang"
"Dare" Yang answer immediately once again.
"Spend seven minutes In heaven with Y/N" kill me now.

You get up to leave but Yang drags you into the closet. You smell something familiar, the mysterious girl she was in here. Yang pushes you against the walk and unbuckles your trousers. You try to push her away. "Stop or I'll punch you harder next time." You let go of her. She slides her hand around your member. "Now we can finish this. I hope your quicker than seven minutes." She smiles. She slowly pumps your Cock it pulses in her hand. "Someone's excited" you place your hands on her breasts and kiss her. Your tongue clashes With hers and you pull her breasts out of her shirt. She pulls away and gets on her knees, she places your Cock between her breasts and slides them up and down. You moan quietly trying not to alert the others. Some precum drips from the head of your member and Yang licks it up. "You taste good" she comments before placing the head in her mouth swirling her tongue around it. Oh Fuck. It's so good. She looks up at you, and you smile at her. She winks. She takes her mouth off your Cock and spits on it letting it cover her breasts. She puts the head back in her mouth and continues faster. The lubrication her spit provided heightened the sensation, "Yang" you moan quietly. You grab her shoulders and begin to pull her towards and away from you moving your hips with her mouth. Feeling yourself reaching the point of not return you warn her. "Yang I'm gonna cum" she deepthroats your whole length sending you over the edge. You cum in her mouth and pull yourself out. She opens her mouth your cum on her tongue before swallowing it. "Thank you" you say panting as you put your member back in your boxers. You pull your trousers back up. Yang stands up and kisses you. Tasting yourself on her you pull away. "That was disgusting" you say.
"Hello lovebir..." Pyrrha starts surprised to find you doing nothing. "How was it?"
"Boring" you and Yang answer in sink.
"You know you were supposed to make out and stuff"
"Wait what? We just talked for seven minutes." You say acting surprised. Pyrrha facepalms.
"Where is everyone?" Yang asks.
"Your teams asleep and mines left. I only stayed to check on you two." She says before leaving. Yang kisses you again before changing clothes in front of you. You take off your clothes and hear purring, Yang hops into bed not noticing but you see Blake looking at you naked. She sees you and hides beneath the blanket. You finish changing and get into bed crazy day.

Author's notes- and that was the end of the cock blocking. How did you like it? Was it good it wasn't pg that's for sure. Looks like you have decisions to make and soon. Anyway I'm tired. Dave the pimp out.

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