let us forget

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Let us forget.
Let us forget the football games
And the single rose
And the chatting in math class
Can we please just forget
You forgot so easily.
You forgot our relationship in which you claimed to love me
Can I please just forget
All I want is to forget you
I didn't let myself like you enough for me to crash and burn when you let go of my hand, but I let myself like you enough to get hurt
Are you happy, is this what you wanted
Someday I will forget you
I will forget the way that your hand felt on me, and how sometimes it tingled where you let it sit
I will forget how it hurt
How it's my fault at least according to myself
I mean I was the one who let you in
I let you be apart of me and now im hurt and alone
But your not
You have somebody new
Did you forget that it has been less than a few days and now your proclaiming that you love someone new
I want to say goodbye, but I cant
Why are my wants never enough?
Sometimes I'm sad that we are no longer together
And sometimes I'm just mad, because did this mean nothing to you
Your acting like nothing happened, like we didn't just break up
But then I remember, why would this relationship mean anything to you
I mean I'm just me but your you and that hurts
Someday I will forget you and this relationship That day seems so far away
For now I'm saying goodbye
Goodbye to you and this relationship
This is the day that we forget
(So this is just for me to get my feelings out. I really need this after, what is to me, a pretty hard break up. I have read and re-read this poem a dozen times, and to me it sort of sounds like I hate my ex-girlfriend. To clarify things, I don't hate her, but I am really hurt by this break up and the fact that it doesn't seem to bother her very much. She has moved on already, she got a new boyfriend about a day or two after we broke up. I am just trying to deal with it all, but I don't want any of my followers who saw or read in one of my posts who she is, I don't want you to hate her or dislike her stories just because of this. She is a pretty good writer and she doesn't deserve any hate that isn't about the context of her book, not that she deserves that hate but you know what I mean. So hopefully this clarifies some things for people who were or are going to be confused. Thank you so much for reading and following my work.)

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