14 A - I Really Love Being Your Friend

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AN -  so in case you haven't read my message on my profile, but you have by chance read the messages exchanged by me and another user on my other fic Lost and Insecure, then I am asking for you to please read it, because I don't want to think that you guys think I don't like you!! I LOVE YOU ALLL

HOWEVER!! If you haven't read the messages that were exchanged, then don't worry about it AT ALL!! (i am going to remove them all, so don't bother trying to find them) It was a silly thing where I was insulted for writing Larry, and I retaliated rudely and I regret it now because in my annoyance I may have said some things that could have been taken the wrong way!

I do want to say though, just to avoid further problems, that I support shipping whole heartedly, and I think shipping is great and ship what you want and we can all live merry lives, as long as we stay respectful to all of those involved (and that includes Eleanor, guys, hate to her is pointless and she doesn't deserve it) but if you want to ship Larry, then go ahead!! It's your choice!! It's purely a ship, and shipping should be fun. I personally ship Elounor, but I write Larry! So that shows how much I think that shipping is okay, and I think nothing is wrong with shipping larry (again as long as you are respectful and don't send hate to people, and don't try to convince other people that their views are wrong)

All of that out of the way, I hope you like this chapter!!! It is chapter 14 part A, soooooooooooooooooo I WILL BE UPDATING TOMORROW GUYS. HEADS UP

Love you all, my sweetums!!!

Harry had no idea what he was doing, honestly. Before he even realised what he was doing, Harry found his feet carrying him towards Louis’ house, his mind searching for what he was going to say when he arrived, but he kept running up blanks.

That’s the thing with Harry.

He does before he thinks, and he ‘does’ wholeheartedly.

He couldn’t bear the thought that Louis might think that Harry might have been taking the piss out of him, so he seemed logical to walk to Louis’ house and explain himself. Harry just sighed, and carried on the walk. He knew the destination, and there was no point turning back now, he had already missed his bus, and he really wanted to see Louis.

The walk wasn’t long. In fact, it was quite short because Harry cut down an alley way. When he was walking down there, he heard some rowdy dickheads from the year above mumbling about ‘stupid twink must be hiding from us’, but Harry took no notice to them, and he just walked a little quicker because that’s all it took for him to get away from them, they weren’t interested in him. The straight boy.

When Harry reached Louis’ front path, he felt slightly sick. There was so real reason for it, he just suddenly felt sick with nerves to see Louis; because what if Louis just really, really resented Harry? What if he wasn’t willing to hear him out? What if last night was it? Over? Final?

Harry wasn’t ready for it to be over, so he opened the front gate and walked up the path, toeing a loose piece of gravel with the toe of his Converse as he waited for the front door to open.

This was the first time Harry saw Louis’ house properly. When he saw it last night it was dark, and his mind was too full of excitement to see Louis again and to show his new friend the cool music his old friend made, to really pay attention to the house. But now, as he waited, he noticed that it was quite a pretty house.

It wasn’t small, but it wasn’t huge. Harry new that Louis’ wasn’t rich, but he had managed to look like he was made of money last night, with his hair combed up into a messy quiff and skin clear and blemish-free. He looked like he had been styled by a professional, and it had left Harry reeling ever-so-slightly. The front door was also painted a bright blue, Harry liked it, it made him think of the sea and it vaguely crossed his mind that if he was still friends with Louis in the summer, that he could invite him on his family holiday to a cottage by the beach – that would be nice. The garden was lovely, filled with flowers and this pretty tree in which hung a swing, and Harry could picture Louis swinging on it with his friends in the summer, maybe Harry could join, and they could blare The Fray and The Kooks and argue over good music whilst sucking on a lemonade ice-lolly.

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