The Basement

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Growing up my father always told me I was a follower, not a leader. On an almost daily basis he would say to me, "Boy, you have got to forge your own path in life, instead of fooling around with those knuckleheads you call friends." He was, of course, correct, but when I was a teenager that kind of wisdom went in one ear and out the other. In my mind I was invincible, I knew everything, and I could get away with anything.

I was wrong. My friends and I fucked with the wrong person. I spent two years in a psychiatric facility and am a shell of the person I was before.

In High School, I fell in with the wrong group of friends. We were a merry band of burnouts, jocks, and assholes. We all played Junior Varsity football our freshman and sophomore years of school. We clowned around during school, smoked weed before practice, and never saw the field during games. It was no surprise to anyone when we didn't make the varsity team our junior year of school. We suddenly found ourselves with too much free time on our hands, now that we didn't have to attend football practice for three hours each day. We took to hanging out around town after school. Smoking and sometimes drinking when we could find someone to buy us booze.

Tyler, who was definitely the ringleader of our little group, eventually got us into petty theft. He was your typical spoiled rich kid. His parents were always working, never home, so they bought his affection with gifts. Gave him whatever he wanted. So, of course, he grows up to become an asshole. This kid, for whatever reason, loved to steal. It was definitely for the thrill of it since he had Daddy's AmEx in his wallet and could buy whatever he wanted.

On a typical afternoon, we'd get out of school around 2:30, and drive around town smoking and sometimes boozing. We always rode with Tyler, in his brand new SUV. I had a shitty Honda Civic that I had bought after a summer of working, while our other two friends, Chris and Ahmed, couldn't afford cars. Tyler would choose a store and give us a laundry list of items to steal. Ahmed would usually be tasked with distracting the clerks while the rest of us made off with whatever we could get our hands on. We'd then sell whatever we got on e-bay and split the profit.

I could tell that Tyler was getting bored with the petty theft by the time senior year rolled around. He invited us over one weekend and I could tell he had something planned by the idiotic grin on his face. We smoked weed, ripped shots of tequila, and played video games until around midnight. Tyler said he was bored, and decided that we needed to go for a joyride around town.

However, once we were in the car, Tyler drove us farther out into the suburbs, away from town. He refused to tell us where we were going until we stopped outside a large house.

He turned to us, motioning towards the dark house, and said, "Yo, this guy is loaded. My Dad told me this guy came into his office the other day and insured $500,000 worth of rare coins."

Chris pumped a fist in the air and drunkenly slurred, "Hell yeah man, screw that guy lets get paid."

Tyler extended his fist to Chris for a pound and said, "That's my boy right here." And then turned to Ahmed and me and said, "what about you two."

Ahmed looked at me and then down at the floor, "Uh, I don't know man. Stealing shit from a store is one thing, but breaking into some guy's house is goddamn serious."

Tyler's face reddened and I could tell that he was about to tear into Ahmed. Me, being a spineless shit that hated confrontation, jumped in and said to Ahmed, "Dude, you could buy a sick car for yourself if we got those coins."

Tyler regained his composure and said icily, "Y'all need to man up. The guy isn't even home, he's in fuckin Europe or some shit right now. Have some faith in me, have I ever gotten you guys caught?"

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