Troye I

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I longed to feel Connor's arms around me once more.

I missed the way he fit perfectly against me when we kissed.

I missed waking up with him next to me, keeping me warm on these cold December nights.

I missed the sound of his voice when he told me he loved me.

The plane ride home was agonizingly long and my foot kept tapping against the floor the whole time. Beside me, Emma was fast asleep, oblivious to my anxiety to see my husband again.

The last two months had been torture. Our only contact being the occasional Skype call when we were both free. But they had been few and far between since both our schedules were pretty crazy, plus we were in completely different time zones.

I'd been on tour again, just in the UK this time and no matter how much I'd loved it, I missed Connor. I missed being home.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we are now beginning our descent into John F. Kennedy International Airport. Local time is six forty-five pm and the weather is a warm seventy eight degrees. We hope you enjoyed your flight." The PA system crackled off and I sat up straighter in my seat.

"Emma. We're almost there." I poked her awake and she laughed at me.

"You're eager to get home."

"Aren't you?" To my surprise, she shook her head.

"No. Brent and I are having a bit of a rough patch at the moment. I think it's to do with the tour."

"You'll be fine. You and Brent have lasted this long." I said, smiling encouragingly at her.

"We'd better last a bit longer. There's no way I could raise this kid on my own." She laughed, rubbing at her swollen belly. She was almost seven months pregnant but had insisted on coming on tour still.

"You two will make wonderful parents."

"I hope so."

"You will. And remember, Connor and I are always happy to help out." I grinned and she just laughed.

"Of course. I might just take you up on that."


Once we landed, it seemed to take forever to get through the terminal to where I knew Connor would be waiting for me. Everything that could take a long time, did. My bags were what seemed like the last ones on the conveyor belt. I had to go through an extra search in customs.

Finally, I made my way through the doors, my eyes instantly scanning the crowd for those beautiful green eyes. I could feel Emma beside me but she stayed silent.

"Troye!" I spun at the sound of my name. I didn't have to see him to know it was Connor calling my name.

"Connor!" I dropped my bags as I ran over to him, throwing my arms around his neck, clutching him tightly. "Connor, I missed you. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, babe." My legs felt like jelly at the sound of his voice so close to me and if he wasn't holding onto me tightly, I don't think I would be standing anymore. I buried my face in his shoulder, tears of joy filling my eyes. "I love you, Troye. I love you."

"I love you too." He pulled back a little and I whined, missing the immediate contact but he connected our lips together in a kiss filled with all the passion we'd been missing for the past two months.

"Okay, you two need to get a room." Emma's voice brought me back to reality and I pulled back from Connor to look at her.

"Don't be mean." I pouted. "Actually, I would like to get home, though. I've missed it almost as much as you."

"He's right. Home is all he's talked about for the past week." Emma agreed. Connor just laughed and held on to my hand as I went to pick up my bags from where I'd dropped them. Neither of us wanted to let go of each other.


Pulling up in front of our apartment building, I let out a sigh. It was good to be home. From the corner of my eye I saw Connor smile at me.

"You glad to be back?" He asked as we climbed out of the cab.

"Definitely. I've missed everything."

"I think there's someone upstairs who's missed you too." My eyes lit up at the mention and started walking faster, practically dragging Connor along behind me.

"How is he?"

"He's grown up a lot since you've been gone."

"I can't wait to see. Next time I go on tour, you're coming with me. I don't want to miss out on this stuff."

"I don't know, Troye. Tour is long and tiring." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What happened to the Connor in high school who was desperate to go on tour with me?"

"He grew up and got a job." He replied. We were only teasing each other but we both knew it was the reality of our life now. We couldn't just up and leave on tour anymore. We had commitments at home.

In the lobby, I was practically bouncing on my toes in excitement to get upstairs. Our apartment now was a lot bigger than the one we'd had in Cambridge and it had a room specially soundproofed to use as my studio. It had taken us a while to get used to it being bigger.

Despite my excitement to get up to our penthouse apartment, in the elevator, I was just happy to be with Connor. My hands rested gently on his waist as we kissed, him leaning me into the wall. Finally the little bell sounded and the doors slid open to reveal our front entry.

Almost immediately, I was bowled over by a very excited Sadie as the little dog came running up to me, wagging her tail excitedly. I bent down to pat her, letting her lick my hands as Connor dragged my bags into the apartment.

"Where...?" I asked him, looking up when he'd brought in all the bags. He jerked his chin in the direction of the living room.

"In there with Zoe and Alfie." I nodded.

"Okay, let's see how long it takes to notice me." I slowly walked around the wall hiding me from view of the living room.


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