Troye VIII

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I woke up early on September 12th, earlier than usual and carefully rolled out of bed, trying not to wake Connor. I wasn't quite successful as he mumbled something and rolled over but he didn't actually wake up. Crossing the apartment, I opened Aiden's bedroom door, gently shaking him awake.

"Aiden, time to get up. Remember we're making papa a special breakfast." I reminded him as he blinked at me.

"Oh. Coming daddy." He slowly crawled out of bed, rubbing at his eyes as he did. Together, we went out to the kitchen where I heated up a bottle for Tori.

"Okay, can you get the toaster out for me while I get your sister?"

"Yes daddy." He busied himself rummaging through the cupboard while I went over to Tori's room. I smiled when I saw that she was already awake, just watching me.

"Hey pretty girl. Are you hungry?" I picked her up and she babbled something at me. Back in the kitchen, I sat on a bar stool to feed her, watching as Aiden carefully made toast. When Tori was done, I put her in her playpen and joined Aiden in the kitchen, quickly cooking up some bacon and eggs while he filled a mug with coffee and laid out a tray so we could take everything in to Connor.

"All done." He announced when he was happy with how everything looked.

"Do you want to bring Tori? I'll carry the tray." He nodded, hurrying over to where Tori was sitting up in her play pen. She giggled when she spotted Aiden, reaching her little hands towards him.

"Hey, Tori." Unlocking the gate, he picked her up carefully. "It's papa's birthday."

"Quietly, now. We don't want to wake him up just yet." I reminded him as we both walked towards the bedroom. I'd deliberately left the door slightly open so I used my foot to push it open. Connor was still fast asleep so I put the tray on the bedside cabinet and took Tori from Aiden.

"Papa! Papa, wake up!" Aiden jumped onto the bed, making Connor wake with a start.

"Oh, Aiden. It's too early. Go back to sleep." He moaned, trying to push him away. But Aiden wouldn't give in that easily.

"But papa, we made you breakfast." Now Connor's eyes were open and he saw me standing by the bed, grinning down at him.

"I thought you were supposed to be nice to me on my birthday." He teased, sitting up in bed.

"I am being nice." I replied, handing over Tori who had been trying to wriggle out of my arms.

"Someone definitely is." He kissed Tori's head and hugged Aiden. "So, what have you three been up to this morning?"

"We made you breakfast, papa." Aiden announced, bouncing up and down excitedly. "It's for your birthday."

"Really? Did you make it?"

"Daddy helped. But I made the toast."

"That'll be the best part then." Connor said with a sideways look at me. I glared at him but picked up the tray of food anyway. He put Tori beside him as he took the tray, looking over it carefully. "This looks good, buddy."

"Try it, papa, try it."

"I'm getting there. But if you keep jumping like that, you'll make me spill the coffee." He said to Aiden with a laugh. I laughed too as I moved the coffee mug onto the bedside cabinet.

"Aiden, let's get you some food while papa eats, yeah?"

"Okay." He slid off the bed, running out into the kitchen.

"Do you want me to take Tori too?"

"No, she's okay. Thanks for this."

"Happy birthday, Connie Frannie. I love you." I leaned over to kiss him gently.

"I love you too."

"You be good for papa, Tori." The little girl just looked at me and I smiled, heading out to the kitchen to make breakfast for Aiden and I.


Connor finally got up around mid-day and wandered into the living room where Tori was in her playpen and Aiden was playing with his dinosaurs nearby. I sat on the sofa nearby, half watching them and half writing in my songbook.

"What're you working on?" Connor flopped down beside me, making me jump a little.

"I don't know yet. Just getting some ideas down." I passed him the notebook and he scanned the few pages of scribbles, nodding appreciatively.

"It's good. I really like it."

"Yeah? Maybe I'll dedicate it to you if anything ever comes of it."

"You did that with your last album. Why don't you do one for the kids, this time?"

"You're the one who inspires the songs." He gave me back the book and kissed my cheek. "How does it feel to be twenty-six?"

"You can't talk. You've been twenty-six for three months already."

"So? Doesn't mean I can't tease you."

"Daddy, why are you teasing papa?" I hadn't realised that Aiden had abandoned his dinosaurs and was standing right next to us.

"I'm not, sweetie. We're just having fun."

"But you said you were teasing him. I heard you." Aiden frowned, confusion written on his face.

"It's okay, buddy. Daddy wasn't teasing me. He was just being silly." Connor told him, pulling our son onto his lap for a cuddle.

"Oh. Okay." He seemed to accept that. "Can we watch The Lion King?"

"How about you let papa choose a movie? It's his birthday." I tried.

"That's okay. We can watch The Lion King. I don't mind." Connor could see that Aiden was upset at my suggestion and quickly calmed him down. Happy again, Aiden jumped off the sofa and hurried to the TV to put the movie on.

While the movie played, Aiden sat on the floor in front of us, watching it intently. Meanwhile, Connor cuddled into me, laying his head on my shoulder.

"So, do you have any more surprises waiting for me today?" He asked quietly.

"Maybe. You'll just have to wait and see." I replied, laughing when he pouted at me. "Don't pull that face. I'm allowed to have surprises for you."

"I thought we vowed to not keep secrets from each other."

"This doesn't count. I'm not keeping it a secret forever. Just for a few more hours."

"Shh!" Aiden hissed from the floor and both Connor and I had to laugh. He'd seen the movie a thousand times but still didn't like it when we talked over the top.

"Would you like us to talk somewhere else?" I asked.

"Yes please." Shaking my head, I got up from the sofa and went to pick up Tori before following Connor out to the balcony where we sat and talked quietly for ages until Aiden came to announce the movie was finished.

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