Epilogue 12: Blood

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The time leading up to the Gathering of Nobles passed quickly. The day of reckoning had arrived.

The royal family of Xix entered the Great Hall together. The hall was filled to capacity. All eyes followed. Hushed voices and whispers could be heard. They walked together, only moving as fast as the elderly Former King Brad.

When they arrived at their seats, Brad said, "No point in my sitting down. It will be ages before I am able to stand up again!" He then slowly walked to the center of the hall floor.

"This Gathering of Nobles is now in session."

"Former King Brad, Good Morning. Thank you for making the effort to come here today and-"

"Blah-blah-blah! Let us get down to it and not waste time on the pleasantries, shall we?" Brad said.

"Quite right. There are rumors that your children, Queen Skye and Prince Kevin are illegitimate."

"They are my children. You cannot lay your eyes on them and seriously believe otherwise."

There was an unmistakeable resemblance between the old father and his children.

"Paternity is not in question. Your late wife-"

"I will not stand here and allow accusations against my wife. She is long gone. And she committed no crime, unless you consider raising my children as her own a crime."

A woman in a voluminous gown stood. She wore her hair up in a traditional queen's hairstyle. A giant sculpted mass. "So you admit it, then! Your children are not the offspring of your marriage!"

"Ah. Ava. There you are."

"That's Queen Ava to you!"

"Whatever you say, Regent. I will admit that my descendants have the same legal right to a crown as you."

"My great great grandfather was chosen to rule by Queen Coral Ladybird herself!"

Brad scoffed. "Thanks to his guile and deception. And regency rule was not meant to be inherited. Regents are still required to surrender rule upon the return of royal magic!"

Queen Skye stood and said, "I have a proposition, Ava! I will abdicate my crown if you do the same!"

"There is no need for you to abdicate! You and your family will be cast down! Your fake mother deceived your kingdom!"

"She was no fake. My royal mother, Daisy Butterfly, loved and nurtured my brother and I. She was just as much our mother as the woman who gave us life."

"She was childless and barren! You and your sibling are the rotten fruits of adultery! I demand that you and your family be removed from the throne of Xix like the common bastards you are!"

Ava turned to address the whole gathering.

"And unlike them, I am entitled to rule! Not only has my family ruled Quosto since the passing of Queen Coral Ladybird, it will continue to rule because..."

Ava drew something from her purse. "This fell from the sky like a falling star! Signifying that royal magic has returned! Returned to me! QUEEN AVA LADYBIRD!"

Ava held aloft a wand. And there was stunned silence.

Except for Dawn, who started snickering. This soon grew into loud guffaws.

"You dare to laugh at me, child?!"

Dawn wiped a tear of laughter away. "I know royal magic queens. You aren't one of them."

"I now surpass even Queen Star Butterfly, as she has passed her family wand to her daughter. She did not even attend this gathering to advocate for you or your family."

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