Chapter 8

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Emily's POV

Trough out the evening and night I'm an emotional wreck. I look over at Harry worriedly. Whenever he catches my eye he smirks at me like this is all one big joke to him.

News flash buddy, this is not a joke to me.

We used to be young and in love; now we're young and total strangers.

Niall and Louis have been keeping a close eye on me. They've made sure that Harry and I aren't left alone in a room together and I'm thankful for that.

"I'm hungry!" Louis whines next to me, breaking me out of my thoughts. I nod my head in agreement, my stomach growls almost on cue. "Let's get Chinese." Liam says and I nod my head. Usually I'm not a big fan of Chinese food but if it means I get to eat I'm all for it.

"Let's go!" Louis yells, grabbing my arm and dragging me out the door with him. The other boys slowly walk behind us and into the car. When I get inside the car I look at Louis. "What?" He asked me, completely clueless. "You dragged me out of the house so fast that I don't have my crutches, jacket or even shoes." Louis looks down at his hands. "Sorry." He mumbles and I laugh, kissing his cheek. "It's alright." I laugh softly and he smiles at me.

"Here you go love." Liam says handing me my shoes and a jacket. "Thank you Liam." I take the items from him graciously as Zayn starts the car. "Where's the nearest Chinese place?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders.

Niall pulls out his phone, pulling up his GPS app. Searching it he begins to give Zayn directions on where the Chinese place is.

All the guys are absorbed into their phones or in Zayn's case, driving, so there's nobody to talk to.

Looking down at the cast on my leg a wave if sadness washes over me like the tide on a beaches shore. Sighing softly I turn my head to look out the window, that is until I feel someone's hand creeping up my leg.

Quickly I look down at the hand before following the arm up to the person. Looking at the persons face I see it's just Liam. His hand gently strokes my leg, causing me to unwillingly relax into his touch. Liam smiles at me, a glint in his eyes. I return the smile before looking down at is hand that continues to caress my thigh. My hand goes and grabs his hand, lifting it off of my thigh and holding it in between my hands. Gently I rub one of my fingers across his soft skin I random patterns. His hand relaxes from my movements. Cautiously I look back up to his face to see his reaction.

His eyes are closed and he's taking in every movement my hand makes. When I stop my hand motions Liam's eyelids flutter open to reveal his brown, doe eyes. Smiling slightly at him I smile at his reaction.

The car comes to a halt and I realized we're here. As best as I can I try to hop out of the car, failing miserably though.

Someone comes up to me and picks me up out of the car. My eyes flicker to the persons face and I see its Liam once again. Smiling once more he continues to carry me inside, but not before telling me,

"We need to talk later. I'm worried about you."

Liam's POV

I've noticed that ever since the accident Emily just isn't the same. The usual sparkle in her eyes is fading and she doesn't seem as full of life. I want to make sure that every I can do for her is done.

My heart aches just thinking about her unhappy. If I know that I can do something them I'll do it, I just have to talk to her and see where it goes from there.


Hey guys!! I'm not sure how long this chapter is going to be so forgive me. Next chapters going to get hopefully a bit more interesting. Please comment any questions or concerns you have about this book. Also remember that votes and new fans are also very much appreciated.


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