Chapter 10

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Emily's POV

When we arrive back at the house I decided I should probably phone Erika and tell her what's going on. Knowing her like I do, she's probably worried sick.

Quickly I dial her number before holding my phone up to my ear. It rings a few times before she picks up.

"Oh my god Emily! Where are you?! You haven't been home for a while and I'm going nuts with worry." She yells into the phone, causing a smile to form on my face. "Hey Erika, like I told you the boys are in town so I've been hanging out at there place. But I have something really important to tell you." I can hear her draw in a quick breath.

"Please don't tell me, are you and Harry engaged?!" She squeaks and I have to refrain from laughing. "No, no we aren't." I reply and I can practically hear her face fall. "Wait, are you pregnant?! Emily, with you job. You can't afford to do something like that." She scolds me. My eye go wide and I practically scream into the phone. "No! No I'm not freaking pregnant! You should really stop guessing before you give both of us a heart attack." I chuckle darkly into the phone.

"Okay, go on." She says quietly. I draw in a big breath before saying. "I kinda, sorta broke my leg and I'm off the team due to the injury I've acquired."

Truthfully I thought she fainted because the line was silent.

"How?" She whispers, pure shock in her voice.

"Well I was in the car with the boys, we were driving along perfectly fine. All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain in my leg that's spreading throughout my entire body. Turns out some guy hit us. It didn't even look like an accident really. He t-boned us. There was no if's, and's or buts about it. When they took me to the hospital they determined that it was only a broken leg but because of the injury I've gotten kicked off the team. They didn't even bench me, they just flat out kicked me off."

I could practically see the look of rage on Erika's face while she asked me for the boys address because she's coming over and giving them a piece of her mind, especially Harry. With me,being me I made the foolish mistake of texting her the address and in 27 short minutes Erika shows up on the boys doorstep ready to kill.

She bangs on the door rather hard before Harry goes to answer it, unaware of all the crazy that's awaiting him behind that closed door.

He opens the door casually and sees its Erika. A big smile finds its way into his face as he says hello.

"Hey Erika. Long time no see." Erika ignores his warm welcome completely. "So I've heard that you've got my best friend in a cast which has gotten her fired from her job." Erika says, looking at Harry with hatred etched into her features.

Harry though doesn't catch the hint that he should behave because Erika's pissed off because one thing you do not want to do is get a professional boxer pissed off even more then they actually are.

"Well I do in fact have one of your friends here but if she's your best friend I'm not sure. Your friend is in fact in a cast but it is not the cast in which got her fired, it's the injury to which she's accustomed the cast to help heal."

Erika rubs her temples, trying to calm down. "Harry, I'm going to give you 5 seconds to run before I beat your insensitive little ass." She says as calmly as she can. Harry looks at her confused.

If Erika gives you 5 seconds to run you run like a bastard because she's giving you 5 seconds mor notice then mode people.

"2.....1." I hear her say before Harry's on the ground unconscious. "Wow, he went down fast." She comments to herself before walking in.

When she sees me situated on the couch in the perfect position to watch the show unfold she can't help but smile at me. She sits down beside me.

"Truth be told, I remember Harry being a lot smarter when you two were going out before." She says and I nod my head. "Now how are you feeling and where are the other 4 so I can beat their asses too." The causality in her voice is what makes me laughs slightly.

"Hey, how many people do you know that can say they beat one directions asses?" She asks and I shake my head. Erika is so straight forward it's almost comical.

Louis enters the living room with a confused look on his face. "Emily, do you know why Harry's passed out in the doorway?" He asks me, but when he notices Erika he stops dead in his tracks. "And you are?" He asks her nervously. "Erika, I'm Emily's best friend and hear to give the asses if the idiots who got her injured." She says, extending her hand towards him. "Then let me go get those idiots for you." He says before running out of the room.

"Idiot." I mutter under my breath. Erika hears me and smiles. "How could you last under the same roof as them for so long? They're a circus act, and I've only met 2 of them." I laugh at her comment.

Suddenly Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn enter the living room, all of them holding different objects that they think will protect them from Erika. "So you guys must be the other acts." She says before winking at me and I nod my head.

"Erika this is Zayn, Niall and Liam. Guys this is Erika, aka the person who's going to kick your asses for getting me injured. Or so I've been told." They look at me worriedly and I can't help but smirk.

As Erika stands up and positions herself to fight I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I look up to see Harry standing there, quietly removing me from what is now the boxing ring. He leads me into the kitchen and sets me down on the counter.

"Did you tell Erika what happened?" Harry asks me, standing in front of me with his hands resting on my thighs. I nod my head, not trusting my voice at the moment. "Did you tell her to come and beat us up?" He asked me and I shake my head. He opens my legs and steps in between them. "Are you sure you didn't?" He asks me, his hands finding there way to my waist. I nod my head without breaking eye contact with him.

One of his hands cups my cheek before he bends down and connects our lips. After a few seconds he pulls back. "Are you sure?" He asks once more and again I nod my head. "You know it's not nice to lie, but you being naughty does turn me on." He whispers before reconnecting our lips.

I don't even know what I was doing anymore. My mind was screaming at me to pull away, knowing that I'll only get hurt again. At the same time though my heart was telling me that this is how things were suppose to play out and that Harry and I are just meant to be.

My hands find there way to Harry's curls, fisting and pulling at the ringlets as his hands find my waist, bringing me closer to him.

"Hey Emily! Where's your bag? I think it's time to leave!" Erika calls to me before walking into the kitchen before seeing Harry and I. "Or maybe it isn't?" She stands there with her arms crossed and a huge smirk on her face. Harry and I pull away quickly and I look down flustered.

"You know what. I'm going to swing by with some more of your clothes. You two have fun." She winks at me before exiting the house. I turn to look at Harry.

"Now what?"


Hey guys! How was this for you?? I know I haven't updated for a bit so I have a few questions for you guys.

1) How was your guys Christmas?? What'd you do? What'd you get? I want details!!

2) Happy Early New Year!! I probably won't get to talk to you guys before the new year so I wanna ask, what are you guys doing for New Years? Any special people you're spending it with? Who's your New Years kiss reserved for? Any new year resolutions??

COMMENT!! I wanna hear your guys answers. Also my favourite answer will get a dedication.


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