Chapter 10: trouble

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Jenni's POV


I found out today that throwing up & getting cravings actually means something... I was pregnant by Asa, I'm only 17 and I have a whole life ahead of me, what am I going to do now!? I'm afraid to tell Asa..


"I'm only using Asa to get Aramis and Payton jealous." I said to Hailee. "Jenni, I don't think you should be doing this... I'm warning you... You should know what you're falling for.." said Hailee.


"SHIT! I should have listened to Hailee! Look at me now! I'm pregnant!" I said to myself.

I heard Asa coming up the stairs to my room. "Hey baby, I brought your stuff, now tell me please. And Happy Birthday babe I love you so much, I'm taking you out to dinner tonight" he said. "Thanks baby but um, well Asa... I-I- Im pregnant...." I said.

Asa just stood there starring at me in shock until I started to cry. He hugged me and told me everything was going to be alright, but it wasn't going to be alright.. "This is all my fault Jen, you didn't have to have sex with me if you didn't want to. I did not force you but I mentioned it and I'm sorry baby." he said. I couldn't take it anymore and I just let EVERYTHING out!

"No Asa! This is all my fault I should have told you from the very beginning that I never loved you and that I only used you to get Aramis & Payton jealous! I'm so sorry Asa please forgive me!" I said while sobbing. "Jennifer, what are you saying!? Please tell me you're lying Jennifer please." He said. "Asa I never loved you!....... until now. listen to me please!" I said. "Jennifer I trusted you, I gave you all I had, I put effort into this relationship, I fucking liked you ever since freshman year! why are you breaking my heart!?" He said. "No Asa I wasn't trying to break you're heart! I don't know what I was thinking but right after our first kiss I fell in love with you Asa!" I said. "BULLSHIT to my ears!! fuck you! we're done here Jennifer!" he said. "ASA WAIT! I'm pregnant! You can't just leave me! And I wasn't lying about being in love with you! I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU ASA MAXWELL THORNTON FARR BUTTERFIELD" I said. "WATCH ME LEAVE! don't you ever say you love me when you know damn well you fucking don't!" he said while leaving.

So there I was... Laying on the cold hard ground thinking to myself... Hating myself.... Crying to myself....

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