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The taxi pulled to a curb outside the entrance of the five thousand dollar bill into the driver's hand. Copious tears flowed from my eyes as I hugged my mom. I think the fact that I will be leaving her alone for the next three weeks, has placed much guilt into me. "Don't cry Coya, be strong and go make life for yourself. I'll be okay plus we can always talk over the phone." I cried harder, "Shhh, don't cry Henry is waiting on you" she informs me. I looked at her one last time before turning away. Henry and I arrived at the airport, one hour prior to our flight. We check in our suitcases and showed our passports to a plump, dark haired woman sitting behind the desk.

We sit down for a minute and another woman with a friendly smile upon her face approach us asking for our tickets. I watched as she tears the paper in two taking piece of it before handing the other half to Henry and my self. We later boarded Jet Blue airline, with much determination and a touch of elbow. Henry and I maneuvered through the crowd to find a seat. The captain informs us of the flight duration and the altitude the plane will be flying. He also instructs us to fastened our seat belts. Henry buckled his seat belt first, I followed shortly after breathing deeply through my nose. The plane takes off during sunset revealing a better view of the sky. I sit back in my seat wide awake while stealing glances of the places below and sleepy Henry.

I arrived at the JFK International airport in New York quarter to five that evening. Henry escorts me ti his crib, a really big house for someone living alone. The black leather couch blends perfectly with the oceanic atmosphere he tried to create in the living room, abstract art paintings occupied every inch of the wall space. He then leads me up a narrow staircase and showed me to a room twice the size of my old home in Jamaica.

When I had refused to go any further into the room, Henry nudges me forward. "I suggest you get some rest" he says, dropping my suitcase with all my belongings at my feet. "I'm gonna grab some food on the road, I'll be back in twenty minutes"

"I'm not that tired, I'll come with you" I blurted out, not wanting him to leave me alone in this big ole house.

He scratched his head basically shouting at me "Coya, can you please stay until I get back?"

"Okay" I say with a smile to mask my hurt and displeasure. I guess that is just one of the first sign of things to come. I watched as Henry's tall, thin, bow legged figure strolled out of the room.

I busied myself by taking a shower. The bathroom had gleaming granite counter tops, walnut framed mirrors, a walk in shower with two shower heads, fluffy towels neatly arranged and large dull colored brown tiles on the floor.

He comes home empty handed. "Where is the food that you promised?" I asked, a bit annoyed but he dismissed me completely and recommended that we eat out. I agreed because of intense hunger. So he drives me to a restaurant named 'Island Grill'

"This place serves the best Caribbean dishes and the owner is also Jamaican like yourself" Henry tells me, while holding the door for me to go in. He directs me to a table where three men sit. Two of the men looked much more ageable than the other. The third man showed no sign of greyed hair or wrinkles on his face. In fact the black hair on his head appeared just as bushy as his mustache. He begins introducing me to his friends. "Everyone this is my son's mother Coya, Coya this is Eric Pettis" he points to an old man sitting at the very end of the bench.

"Coya" Eric repeats, his tongue flicked over his lip as if tasting my name on his lower lip, savoring it.

"Yup, that's me" I answered while giving my order to the waitress.

"Peter Bennett" Henry points to the man beside Eric.

"She is a gem Henry, I swear I saw her on the Miss World pageant show" Peter compliments which caused me to blush my thank you.

"And that guy beside you Coya, is Arashudi Rahman" Henry pointedly looks to the man sitting not far from me.

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