Chapter 12

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***Nastu POV***

Me and Lucy walked away from the back of the school. I am so relieved that she said no the that dick head, I mean sting.... "you okay?" She asked while we were walking, "uh, yeah?" I said turning my answer into more of a question. Lucy turned and looked at me with confusion in her eyes, "you sure?" She asked with a worried look. "Of Course im fine" I gave her a big goofy girn, she smiled looking down blushing. Damn she's cute...

We saw the table with our friends on and went to it. They left two extra seats for me and Lucy, the school tables were white with green chairs. "Hey guys!" I say waving to the table full of friendly looking faces. "Hey you two" Ezra said making the whole table look at us. " where were you guys at?" Jelall and Gajeel said at the same time making them look at each other. " we were just sorting some stuff out" Lucy explained, Gray then looked at and raised his eyebrows and mouthed 'stuff eh'. I shook my head and mouthed back to him 'no' with a Serious look in my eyes. Gray is my best friend, he obviously knows what I'm like with girls and how I treat them. But I could never treat Lucy like that, I don't have it in my heart to do it. It would hurt her and me.

Suddenly, a younger boy walked to the table, he looked like he was in year 10 ( were year 11)... "H-hey Lucy" he seemed to be shy around her. "Hey Dan" Lucy sighed " what do you want?" She said angrily, She never acts like this... "IWANTEDTOTELLYOUILOVEYOUANDWONTSTOPLOVINGYOU" he spoke really fast. "What?" She asked utterly confused. " I love you, will you go out with me?!" He said slower, but changing his sentence. My blood started to boil, YOU CANT JUST CONFESS TO SOMEONE IN SUCH A CHILDISH WAY! "No" she says blankly. Me and the other boys look at each other dumbfound...errrrr... "Get some manners, next time you confess to someone make it classy, were not in middle school anymore" I said with a blank expression on my face. He turned to me "aye sir" he yelled then ran away .Ha. "Thanks" Lucy muttered, "no problem". "Guys that was Dan, he says that to Lucy every week you can close you mouths" Levy laughs to the boys who all have there mouths open in shock of what just happened. "That situation had me shook" Gajeel said making everyone laugh.

"So anyway guys, wanna sleep over at mine?" I asked. "Sure" Levy and Ezra replied, "why not" Jellal said, "should be fun" Gajeel growled, "got nothing better to do" Gray shrugged. Juvia nodded in agreement while hugging greys arm. " sure I guess, but I'll come a little earlier to help set up?" She asked sending me a wink. The gang doesn't know about mine and Lucy's situation, yet... "can't wait!" I really can't I'm super excited.

"What day?"

"Saturday should be good"

***last lesson**^
***Lucy's PoV***

I can't wait for this sleep over this Saturday, we've got ages till it but I can't help but be excited. Also Natsu's friends are really nice, I was wrong about them being obnoxious dickheads after all... hehe....

It's last lesson, meaning after this hour I can go home and sleep. It was art, not one of my favourite lessons, but I'm good at it. "Students today you will be doing the topic of romance, Amber hand out the pencils and paper please" Mr Clark demanded. Amber handed me a piece of paper then a pencil. "Thank you" I say sweetly with a smile, "mhmm" she said, cheeky bastard. She then went on to the next person.

I start to draw a hand, I tried and detailed the hand as much as I could, then I started drawing another hand. I link the hands, making them hold each other in a warm embrace.  Looking at my work I'm quite proud of it. It's not the best since we only had an hour, but it will do.  I go up to sirs desk and hand in my work. "Well done Lucy this is magnificent!" He says with joy in his Voice. " hehe thanks..." I say embraced, "you may go know Lucy thank you for the art piece". "No problem sir" I say as I walk out of the class room leaving Everyone that hadn't finished behind.

***ring ring***

Ah, it's the end of the day. I can't wait to go home and do nothing.  BING BING. I have a text.

- from natsu ❤️

Hurry up, I'm waiting by the gates. Xx

- to natsu ❤️

Okay I'll be right there xx

I started to run to the gates, I wonder how long he was waiting for.... I ran and ran until I finally saw his pink spiky locks. "Hey!" I say going up to him. "Sup" he says Turing to his side showing Wendy, "hey Lucy!" She said happily. "Hey wendy" I say hugging her...

We then started walking to Natsu's red Porsche, damn his car is nice. I suppose that's what happens when your rich.. haha.

" so Luce..." he started....


I hope you all have a good day and please share, vote and comment 💕


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