Chapter 18

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IMPORTANT- how to do you think I would end this story?

Hey how are you? Ngl I'm lazy and cba to write recently.... ahah .... sorry

In the description of the book I have noted that there are monthy updates.

Quite a short chapter but there always short because I don't wanna write over 1000 words lmao. Have fun


We went back down stairs our hand intertwined, I felt at peace. We walked into the living room and saw the destruction of people's clothes faces and just the embarrassment that everyone had on there faces. Some looked ashamed, some shocked, some were even blushing bright red. I can only imagine what they dared each other.

"Hey guys" Natsu said smiling brightly, getting everyone's attention. Grays eyes darted down at our hands.

"You guys are holding hands!" He yelled surprised.

"Well nor..." ( if you don't understand that then it's just 'well duh' in my slang) said Ezra sarcastically. "We all realised that already dumbass" making me and levy giggle.

"What happened between you to up there" gajeel winked, making us laugh.

"Oh you know..." nastu winked backed, making everyone's eyes widen making me to hit his arm playful.

" we didn't do anything guys." Erza who looked like she was about to rip Natsu's head off, sighed and unclenched her fist, her glare at him give way. Nastu being Natsu didn't even notice. How dense, I giggle to my self.

"So what do guys wanna do now?" Gray asked, Looking at the time, 3:30 am.

"Personally I think we should sleep" Ezra yawned.

"Yeah, it's been a good night but let's sleep, I'm nackered" we all agreed with levys statement.

Levy and gajeel go over to the sofa and lie down cuddling each other, at the same Gray and juvia go lie down, with grays back on the sofa and juvia cuddling into his chest while lying in between his legs. Ezra and jellal cuddle on the sofa. While me and nastu lie on the ground with a blanket over us, my legs are wrapped around natsus torso and my arms are wrapped around his neck. While Natsu wrapped his arms around my waist and his head on my neck.


Raining. Rain is always so sad. Rain is bad luck. Young Lucy about 12 and her dad were on there way home from the main town in magnolia. I was holding a bottle of pop ( soda or whatever you call) and the lid was off it.

I took a big swig of the drink before the car went in to a hole on the motor way. Making the sticky drink go everywhere. My dad looked at me anger building up on his face. He pulled over on the side of the motor way where there was a patch of grass.

"Get out of my car right now!" He yelled. I frowned, i got out of the car. I looked into the window of where I was once sitting, my dad was looking out the window with his hands in the wheel. Was he going to leave me ?! He shook his head, checking if any cars where coming his was of the door considering he parked close to the road and if a car went past fast then the car door would be torn off.

He got out of the car and walked over to me.

"I'm sorr-" I was cut off "your such a disappointment" he yelled. Tears formed at my eyes. "My brand new car ruined!" He screamed. "give me your hand" I put my hand out tears falling from my eyes. " i knew I should have just left you at home. I should have just left you with your mother" he said before slapping my hand hard. He did this often. Some days I could handle it, others I couldn't. I guess this was just one of them days. "That's for being a disappointment" he slapped my hand again, "that's for being mistake" he slapped my hand again, "that's for destroying my new car" he hit he once more " that's for being a disgrace to the heartfilla family name!" He screamed at me.

My hand stinging and numb I put it in my pocked. "Get in the car" he spat at. He walked around the other side, not looking to see if there was any cars. But unfortunately there were, a Range Rover sped fast colliding with my dads body, smashing into him. Blood erupted out of his body.

"DADDY" I screamed crying like I've never cried before. The man that drove the Range Rover, kneeled down next to my dad and cried, I ran over to him. "Daddy" I yelled again. "I'm sorry I'm so sorry" I hugged his unconscious body, knowing he wasn't going to get up.

The man that killed him soon went to prison, he put him self in there. He was a nice man. My mother got depressed, she started to abuse me daily telling me how it was all my fault and how it should have been me instead of him.....

I wish it was me too....

**** end of dream****

I woke up in tears, my heart was racing. I looked around noticing nobody was here. Why am I alone?

"LUCY" I hear a yell, "are you okay?" He asked hugging me tightly.

"Yeah.." I nodded.

"Come one erzas made phancakes " he smiled, I smiled back holding back my tears trying to ignore the head ache I have, he held my hand as we walked to the other.


I hope you all have a good day and please share, vote and comment 💕


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