The Abandoned House

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"Now can you tell me when this started?" The cold shakiness of her voice always made me feel uneasy, which is ironic because therapists are supposed to make you feel safe. "For as long as I could remember" I replied. I couldn't tell her the exact day but I know it started when I was really young. She wrote down everything I said, the scratching of the pen to the paper. It made me feel like a crazy person. "Well dear me, we've run out of time. Same time next week?" She stood, walking over to the door. I followed as I shook her hand and replied "yes." After leaving the building I walked home the same way I've always gone, same houses, same trees, nothing ever really changed. As I was about to cross the street I noticed a big house " That's new" I said to myself. "Looks abandoned" not thinking much of it I carried on my way, walking home. I unlocked my door and walked inside glancing at the picture of my parents before closing the door. I put my keys on the hook " Hey mom, hey dad, how are things? The meeting with the therapist was same as usual, glad to see your doing okay, I love you" a small smile formed as I left the picture.

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