Day one of being back at school

16 1 4

(I know this is the dumbest idea ever but if you want to, read it)
It was my frist day back at shcoll, it was finn we had lots of cun it was relt cool to. I saw my grade 7 twacher wnd my gade 6 too bad that my hrade 5 teacher aha d quit on tbe dchooll. I met my firned sfrom fgrade 6 and 7 and it was chool i got to sir next tonym bestdriend and sat next to someone i hated. I wanted to kill myelsef.
(Like it so far scraylet?)
I tried my best at dchool to finanele my frjend s. But as i was swlakinf sonw rhe hallwya i dound my greatset friend ever!! It was The vendinf machine.
(There is alot of red kines im seeing)
I put the dollar in mhom and he displenedc his wondetfuk juixe, juice of thengods i said ti mylesekf. I lisbe u oh windrr mfuk mighty one orange jews was my davieirdite shir ducjed it up rwla bas ftuen DUCK this is harder than i thiugh fuck fuck ruck ruckt uckt fuckt fci

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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