6am light

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I woke up to the sound of my mum telling me to wake up for school, it was half 6 in the morning and I was drowsy and had an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I had remembered it beginning to occur whilst I was sleeping but, you know, as I was asleep  I thought it was part of the dream and I also couldn't be bothered to get up. I removed the soft duvet covers off of my bare legs and ran straight to the bathroom, since nothing goes well for me when I get stomach aches I didn't want to take my time and take the chance. Once I arrived to the bathroom I walked in without turning on the bathroom light since it was a September morning and was beginning to get darker in the mornings, I didn't want to blind myself. 

I sat down on the toilet in the morning darkness and did my business, sorry if that may have been the slightest graphic or if you didn't want to picture that but that was what I did, like what many other normal people do. But like every morning, I sat there for many more minutes checking the notifications on my phone. After having removed and checked all notifications I then brushed my teeth and washed my face in a rush because of the time I had left myself after being on my phone, typical me. By then it had gotten much lighter in the bathroom and I wasn't in aid of the bathroom light. 

Once I had gone to flush the toilet I looked at the window sill which was right behind the toilet seat and saw a massive daddly long legs. HOW THE FUCK DID I NOT NOTICE THIS! oh wait.. I didn't see it since I hadn't put the bathroom light on. I SAT THERE FOR FUCKING 15 MINUTES WITH A MASSIVE DADDLY LONG LEGS LIKE 2 INCHES AWAY FROM MY FUCKING HEAD! by this point I had ran out of the bathroom and back into my bedroom which was where my mum and sister where. They looked at me as if to say "what the fuck are you running for?", all I did was look at my mum in slight panic and say "HOW DID YOU NOT TELL ME?!" as she had been in the bathroom before me and had put the bathroom light on when she went in there unlike me. 

"Tell you what?" my mum said as she looked at me really confused, I looked at her as if to tell her 'are you blind??'. "There was a bluddy daddy long legs on the window sill in the bathroom! I was inches away from the bugger!" I said. She looked at me as if to say 'again with the daddy long legs situations?? really?' but had started to walk towards the bathroom anyway. I then began to get dressed whilst she got rid of the my fear, the daddy long legs in the bathroom. 

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