Chapter 12

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Today was Saturday.

And Nico was freaking out.

He had torn through all of his wardrobe looking for something to wear. An found absolutely nothing. He looked through piles of band shirts and plaid flannels. He had like 20 pair of black skinny jeans. They were black beanies everywhere and converses strewn on the floor.

He was a true emo.

Eventually he settled on a white dress shirt and some dark jeans. He looked pretty nice( except for the fact that there was black cat hair all over his shirt).


He tried.

The night before, he had called Hazel up to tell her about what happened. He was squealing and blubbering on the phone so much that Hazel had thought that one of his cats died. He couldn't even make full sentences. He was too excited to sleep so he had stayed up all night.

Which is why he woke up at 6:56 pm.

He was supposed to meet will at 7:00.

In other words, he was screwed.

He was just getting his pants on well his buzzer... well buzzed.

Nico silently cursed while he tried to do a one legged hop to the door. Before he opened the door he pulled on the closest shoes to the door, some old combat boots.

So much for being fancy.

Nico put on his best smile and opened the door.

It wasn't Will.

It was the mailman.

Nico's face dropped and he sighed. The mailman didn't even pay him any attention. And looked at his clipboard.

"Package for Neko di Angelo."

Nico sighed again.


The clipboard was handed to him. A hairy finger pointed to a line.

"Sign here."

Nico again, gave an irritated sigh and signed his name, making very sure to accent the "i" on his name.

"Here's your package."

Nico muttered a thank you before closing the door.

He examined the box. It had FRAGILE written all over it, making Nico even more curious. He placed the box down on the sofa and got a knife from the kitchen. He then put the box on his lap and attempted to open it. It took him probably 5 minutes to finally open it.

When he saw what was inside, he gasped. It was an old , tattered blanket. But not just any blanket. It had a distinctive pattern of green and red embroidery. He could see this blanket anywhere and know where it came from.

It was his baby blanket.


Hey guys, its M here (my new nickname)

hope you are all enjoying my super gay crap fic. Im trying to update everyday.

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