Chapter 18

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Hullo my smol children, enjoy your chapter.


Nico woke up to dark hair in his face.

And someone's breast on his chest.

So he started to panic.

The person must have realized this and lifted themselves.

Nico eyes were still dreary with sleep but quickly readjusted.

The person who was on him was a girl. She had an long dark glossy hair, that cascaded over her shoulders. Her skin was an olive akin to Nico's but slightly darker, like a bronze. She had hazel eyes. And if Nico concentrated hard enough he could see the dark brown specks in it. She looked fairly skinny, but she had well built muscles in her arms, and Nico had assumed that meant that he had well-built legs. She had sharp cheekbones and a sharp angled nose. So she was obviously Italian. She looked just about his age, maybe even older. She was very pretty, but bared a resemblance to someone that he knew. He just couldn't place it.

When Nico looked at her, she looked directly at him.

And stared.

They just sat their staring at each other.

"You know," Nico started "Staring is rude"

The girl looked at him and smiled.

"So it really is you."

"Uhh, sure."

"Interesting." She replied.

She then got up and adjusted her dress. It was a long black dress that fell below her knees. It was made out of sheer fabric so it rippled as she moved. It was long at the sleeves so it almost made her look like an ancient deity. She smiled at him before leaving.

Just as she left a familiar face popped into the room.

One moment he could see the face and the next he getting attacked by a flurry of brown and red.

"Nico!" an excited Hazel exclaimed.

"Oh hey" Nico said. He was still a little weirded out by the girl he had saw earlier. Her words still echoed in his head.

'So it really is you'

Hazel must've noticed the lost look on his face.

"Hey", she said " almost startling Nico," What's wrong. You look like you're sick."

"Well, I'm in the hospital. What did you expect?"

Hazel sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You know what I mean. Like you saw a ghost or something."

"It nothing, really."


Insert eye roll here

" I'm not going to pester you about it." Hazel said "I'm just abit worried."

Nico felt a pang of guilt in his chest. Sure, he knew Hazel really didn't need to know, but it still made him feel bad about not letting her into the loop.

" It's really nothing " Nico reassured

Hazel sighed and leaned on the hospital bed.

"Did they say when you were getting out?"


"He's worried about you, Nico."

Nico looked down in his lap.

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