Goodbye Normal Life

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                       Maddie's POV                                     

     I woke up to Grace's alarm clock, beeping loudly. I rolled my eyes, banging the snooze button. She always wakes up super early, yet she can't even turn the alarm off. I kicked the covers off the bed, getting out of bed. I put my slippers on, not being ready for the coldness of the wooden floors to hit my feet. I walked out of her room, heading down the steps. I turned the corner, seeing Grace pouring herself a bowl of cereal. "You couldn't turn your damn alarm off when you woke up." Grace rolled her eyes, going to grab the milk. "Oh, sorry bitch. I didn't know that I had to follow your rules even though your asleep in my bed." I grabbed a bagel and popped it in the toaster. "You're a hoe."

     "Well, I hope you have fun fucking your pillow," I said, walking out of the door. "Bye!!!" Grace yelled. "Bye," I yelled back, slamming my car door. I started the car, pushing on the gas. I backed out of the driveway, turning the corner. I rolled down the windows and plugged my phone. I turned Spotify on and put on the top 100. Closer by The Chainsmokers came on. I started singing along as I drove home. After what felt like years, I pulled into the empty driveway. Normal. my parents are never home. They are either at work or "partying." When I say partying, I mean there in Las Vegas betting all of the money they have as they get wasted. I hopped out of my car , unplugging my phone. Unlocking the door, I went on my phone and went to Youtube.  I haven't got the chance to watch the newest episode of Fight Of The Living Dead, so I put it on. As it ended, my older brother, Cameron, bolted down the steps. "Maddie!!!" He yelled, tears streaming down his face. "What's wrong?" I said, sincerely concerned. You see, Cameron isn't the type of guy that cries. He recently got into his dream college with a football scholarship, been in a relationship with a girl that looks like a supermodel, gets straight A's, and is the quarter back of his football team. To see a guy like him crying is unusual. "The hospital left me a voicemail. I've been waiting for you to come home to listen to it. Do you wanna listen with me?" "Might as well," I said, rolling my eyes. "It's probably someone pranking you, but whatever." I rolled my eyes, walking over to him. He clicked play as we listened carefully.

     "Hello? Is this Cameron Jackson? This is the Las Vegas Police Department speaking. We would like to inform you that Lindsey Jackson and Kevin Jackson were in a car crash. We're sorry to inform you such news. Unfortunately, Lindsey Jackson was found dead at the scene while Kevin Jackson is currently at the hospital in a coma. We've been told that you live in New York, so we've booked you two airplane tickets to Las Vegas, Nevada so you can see th- I mean him. Pack your stuff up. Your flight leaves at 5;00 tonight. For us it will be 3:00. Hurry up. Once again, we're sorry to inform you of such news. We hope to see you soon." That was the end of it. I fell down, breaking into tears. I felt like someone just grabbed my heart out of my chest and stepped on it, smashed it, broke it in every way possible. Cameron kneeled down beside me, rubbing my back as he sobbed quietly. I looked over at the clock. 3:02. I got up, tears still falling down my face. "Where are you going?" Cameron asked. "Upstairs to pack my stuff. you should get your stuff too. The plane leaves at 5. We should be there by 4."

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