Dream 4

4 1 0

My lungs are on fire, burning to ashes within seconds. They're crumbling to pieces and straining to build themselves back up again. My jaw is clenched tight enough to break my teeth apart. My eyes are bleary, refusing to close in hope of seeing somebody or something, anything, above the surface to help me. The water is building over on top of me, pushing me down even further. I'm drowning.

My chest is disintegrating into nothing, and I can feel myself losing consciousness. My eyes are beginning to droop, and I'm sinking far too fast to save myself. My arms and legs are refusing to work. The lower I get, the more I begin to realize just how beautiful this water is. The sun slices through the droplets, illuminating everything around me. There are leaves and grass surrounding me. Spaced apart, their colors more vibrant than above the surface. The pain is beginning to fade, and I've decided I'm okay with staying here for an eternity.

Just as I'm about to give in, hands grasp my arms, pulling me to the surface. But I'm too weak to breathe in. My eyes close completely, relaxing into the darkness. I'm laid in the grass gently, the blades poking through my somehow dry clothes. The sun is too bright, too hot. My body is beginning to crave the cold of the water. The gentleness. My body aches for the pain that reminded me I was still alive. But I'm not ready to give in completely.

My eyes open, and in front of me is the soldier. With the uniform and the crimson stain. But he has a smile. And thin little scars surrounding his eyes and covering his arms. And I'm ready to run. But I'm stuck. And he just keeps smiling.

He never says a word, but he stands up and holds his hand out towards me. I grasp it and pull myself up. My eyes never leave his and his never leave mine. They're the bluest eyes I've ever seen, and they stare right through me. I'm still on guard, ready to run. And my mind is screaming at me to do just that, but I don't move. My hand is still in his and his eyes are still on me.

I'm beginning to feel dizzy, and my legs are starting to tingle. The edges of my vision are beginning to fade and turn black. My heart begins to race, and my arms feel like they've been covered in cement. I lose all of the air in my lungs, and all at once, my heart stops beating. He's sucking the life out of me. He's smirking. I'm gasping for breath. He's laughing a silent laugh. I'm trying to make my heart start pumping again. He's nonchalant. I'm starting to thrash my legs and arms around, but they won't move.

"You're it," I whisper, before passing out.

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